Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Black Dog Sunday

About a week ago, I had the honor of R joining us for a couple of mountain bike rides. Unlike Shyla, R often looks like he's about to doze off while I take photos of them.
But, it's better not to be lulled into complacency by his sleepy look. In fact, he's scanning the world, from under hooded eyelids, for potential prey. One time, while the Duo was in a stay for a photo, R spotted a quarry and took off.
I think the best title for the next photo would be "Canine Mortification" because Shyla gave him such a mortified look when he broke his "stay". But, looking at his eyes, you can see that he was utterly focused on whatever he'd seen.
He didn't go far, and the rabbit escaped unscathed.

Then later, he smelled something underground and started digging. Before I could stop him, he'd dug a hole big enough to fit his entire head in it.
Even his tongue got dirty!
Those were a fun couple of days! R keeps me on my toes and makes me laugh and laugh!


  1. Hey R, you are one handsome dirt dog!

  2. I love these!!!! Your photography is wonderful. You are very focused too!!!!

  3. And what's a little dirt here and there? He is so focused on whatever takes his eyes. Thanks for the update on camping supplies. Hugh is... already planning his next trip away!!! Hope it will be after, well after the surgery. He never gives up hope that one day he'll be 100% again, and I am thankful for this.

  4. R breaking his stay totally cracks me up!! The same thing happens with my girls! We were practicing that on Friday and Phoenix wanted to do recalls instead of staying but she wasn't waiting for the cue and each time Zoe had that same look that Shyla has!! LOL

  5. If Hailey had been in Shyla's shoes she would have taken off after R. What a fun series of pictures. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Somethings are more important than 'Stay'. Good boy. Love the dirty face.

  7. We love those Duo shots! Some dirt tastes kinda good.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. Before we read your words, the thought crossed our minds that Shyla was not too happy with her bro:) R looks like a pup who loves to have fun, AND knows how to do it:)

  9. You can just hear Shyla saying, "RRRRR!!!! what ARE you doing??!!!"

  10. I'll bet Shyla is thinking what I have more times than could ever be counted, and that's "Brothers!!!" :-)

  11. Love R's facial expressions, the excitement in his eyes says it all.

    Aroo to you,

  12. OMD, those are the BESTEST PICS EVER! I would be just like R and chase those wabbits!! That's why Ma doesn't let me off my string...☺
    Oh, and who doesn't loves a dirty tongue?!
    Ruby ♥

  13. I ALWAYS love seeing R - his expressions, his movements make me smile every time.

  14. wow R you look like me! there is nothing better than to dig a giant hole :o)
    easy rider

  15. Shyla looks so disgusted with you, R. haha Go for it, buddy☺

  16. Crikey ......way to go R!! Rabbits are much more important than sit, stays, aye??

  17. R you are such a delight!!! Your dirty face made me laugh and smile big this morning!!!!!

  18. LOL...That look on Shylas face.

  19. Hey, guys have to have a little fun every now and then.

  20. I think both R and Shyla keep you on your toes! R may have been dirty,, but he was happy!
    Yes, Shyla really did have "a look" on her face!!

  21. Great pictures. Especially the look on Shyla's face.

  22. LOL! The dirt on R's face makes it look like the brindle markings on my Jimmy's face.

  23. Prince Arrr must feel that now that he has his Sister trained, he can go back to his rowdy, funny ways. The Cracker Dog returns . . .and do I love it? I'll say!


    Jo and the Sedate Stella

  24. Hi Y'all!

    Love Shyla's "look" and the "dirty face" on the grinning R.

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog


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