Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Springtime: The Duo and The Bears

Recently, I had both halves of the Duo for a morning mountain bike ride.

We had lots of fun playing atop Hug Hill.
And, later that day, a chocolate and a black bear cub played nearby. Their colors reminded me of Shyla and R.
It turned out to be a big day of bear activity. My trail cameras monitored a large male bear, probably Tiny, who walked about 5 miles in the afternoon, marking trees along the way. I made a video of his travels that you can watch here or at Youtube.

There's some true video in this one so it's fun to watch (at least, for me!).

Happy Springtime!


  1. love the brown/black double duos! :)

  2. What a great show. Amazing that those little trees can take all that marking.

  3. I love the first photo!

    Aroo to you,

  4. Oh love the two of them together
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  5. Shyla and R are so beautiful..
    and the bear cubs they are sooo cute!!

  6. Those cubs are so cute! They are the same color as Shyla and R! I love the duo photos!

  7. Happy springtime to you too! It looks as if it's off to a great start. :)

  8. It IS a fascinating time!

    Love the little cubs that look like the Dynamic Duo.

  9. Very busy men, and wandering so far, their trails must be long.

  10. We love the pictures of the two of you together♥

  11. Hari OM
    That is wonderful video!!! And the black-choc combo? Delightful... YAM xx

  12. Those two are so cute together. And the bears....just awesome.

  13. We love seeing Shyla and R together!

  14. The video was fun. They really look like they are dancing! Oh, and I noticed the 2nd dancing bear was peeing as he rubbed on the tree ;-) He was REALLY spreading his scent around.

  15. That video is great! Cool that Tiny is back. It's so interesting that some trees get marked and others don't. And that little tree that's the most-marked one is surprisingly healthy and intact after all that bear attention!


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