Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Springtime New Life

The flowers are indescribably lush. Shyla is barely taller than some of the Golden Banner flowers. She forged her way through on parts of our morning mountain bike ride.
And the blooming Columbines are incredible, blooming beneath the canopy of an aspen grove!
At one point, we came upon a baby Grouse sitting in the middle of the trail. The baby flew straight up to a low branch, and we stood still to watch.

The poor baby grouse, on perhaps his first flight, had landed near a hummingbird nest. The mother hummer was furious.
But the Grouse just sat stock still ignoring the buzzing hummingbird who flew all around him in a frenzy.
Seeing how we'd messed up the fragile peace of the forest, I decided that we'd better leave so the poor baby grouse could go where he wanted.

The forest is teeming with new life, and I love it.


  1. aww. what a unique creature interaction you caught!

  2. Those bird pictures are incredible! What an amazing thing to witness.

  3. I love visiting your blog. The beauty of your pictures always leaves me with a smile

  4. What fun pictures of the grouse and the hummingbird - so fun to see!!!

  5. That is the most fascinating photograph I have seen in a very long time. And I read National Geographic. What are the odds of being there to capture it? Absolutely amazing!

  6. I love the photos of the hummingbird! So neat!

  7. At least the baby grouse can fly. What an interesting encounter you witnessed.

  8. What fun to watch nature interact on a daily basis. The baby grouse is so cute!

  9. Springtime and summer brings out so much new life. Must be the best season in your part of the world...


  10. I first thought the hummingbirds feeds that bird... it's amazing what wonderful moments you caucght with your cam. Bravo!
    easy rider

  11. Those hummers are brave little things.

  12. That's one big baby bird! It's amazing how still the hummingbird's body is, while those little wings beat furiously!

  13. Amazing photos!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  14. What an absolutely amazing scene you captured there! What are the odds?!!!

  15. Great job on the quick photography!
    Poor little grouse - I know what it's like to have a hummingbird RIGHT in front of your face, though I think the ones here are usually pointing out the low level in their feeder.
    Beautiful feathering on that baby :)

  16. Oh gosh,, can you believe you captured that moment!! Total amazing!
    That baby Grouse is sooo cute,,,
    Its amazing to think of all the things that go on,,, with out us even knowing!

  17. I cannot believe you caught that baby bird on camera!!
    stella rose

  18. Once in a lifetime photos of the hummer and the grouse!

  19. Awesome shots of the Hummingbird and Grouse.

  20. Oh, my goodness!!! What an incredible opportunity! I think you should submit those to a magazine!!!


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