Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, June 29, 2015

Summer's Bounty

The yellow flowers, a meadow species of Arnica, continue to astound me. I've never seen so many bloom for so long. A few are starting to wilt so I know that this phase of summer paradise will pass before too long. For now, I'll keep soaking it up!
Shyla adores running in this meadow.
And it's an amazing sight to see as she rhythmically pops up out of the flowers before disappearing down into them for an instant.
As we meandered toward home, I spotted a patch of Columbines. One had just opened and looked brilliant.
Also, on our way home, we stopped to check a wildlife camera. A pair of bachelor elk had been there with their fuzzy velvet antlers. Some male elk stay down at our elevation for the summer, and they are often called the "bachelor herd". The first bull elk didn't yet have a massive rack.
But the second one's antlers looked very promising!
Last, but certainly not least, a bobcat had looked straight at the camera as he passed it early this morning.
We have so many bobcats here that they fill my wildlife cameras' memory cards with photos. What I loved about this photo was the sensation of his forward motion combined with his obvious eye contact with the "hidden" camera.

Here's to the summer wildflowers, elk, and bobcats!


  1. Beautiful bobcat hopefully your beautiful weather is here to stay
    Lily & Edward

  2. That third photo is one of my all time favorites! Pure joy on her face. And that bobcat shot is truly amazing.

  3. Shyla is so cute! I love your flower shots and that bobcat is adorable!

  4. Your bobcat is definitely my pic for the week.Truly a magnificent cat out of them all.

  5. That is such a great shot of the bobcat!!! He really wanted to give us a good "selfie":)

  6. You're right, the bobcat photo is NatGeo worthy. Awesome and yes the yellow meadow flowers are glorious too.

  7. I'm living vicariously through your wildflower pictures my friend! Beautiful! Shyla looks so happy :) And I love your little kitty picture :)

  8. I love that first shot of Shyla! Yellow is definitely her color!

  9. Love Shyla bounding through the yellow fields.

  10. Yes, here's to summer wildflowers, elk, bobcats and a wonderful dog to share it all with.

  11. That's as close as many of us will ever come to making eye contact with a bobcat. Beautiful.

  12. Great photos again! We sure hope you aren't getting the high heat that is covering the west! We saw 4 coyotes when we were in Oregon!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  13. Awesome shots. The flowers here in Wyoming are like nothing I have ever seen before. Must be all the spring rain.

  14. Shyla, you look beautiful with the yellow surrounding you, aw heck, you're just beautiful. Blush blush.

    Aroo to you,

  15. Crikey ..... that bobcat is beautiful. Very good of him to look at the camera like that, aye?? That elk is also beautiful .... and, of course, Shyla!!!

  16. I love the flowers and Shyla, but the bobcat picture is especially spectacular.

  17. ...the deer looks interesting... it looks a little as if it had chewing bones on its head :o)
    easy rider

  18. You look so happy racing through the beautiful flowers, Shyla!

  19. the trail camera photos are great. Shyla is looking like she is loving the wildflowers!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  20. Once again, thank you for sharing these stunning pictures. Those first three of Shyla are gorgeous! And it makes us feel good to know, living in the urban environment that we do, that "wildlife" still exists:-)

  21. Shyla looks so pretty in the yellow! That bobcat pic is wonderful!

  22. I know, we must soak in all the flowers as they come and sadly go. i love eating wild weeds in spring and summer and will miss them much.
    loved seeing all your photos, velvet and kitty too.

  23. Do you think the bobcat is quite young? I 'm thinking about the curvy fur that comes out their ears? Or maybe that's a different type of bobcat . . .

    All beautiful critters with Shyla of the Mountains one of the beautiful-est of all.


    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  24. Thank you so much for your comment on losing Brut and that numbing grief. I know you understand all too well, especially after losing K. Thank you for sharing my friend and for your support.



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