Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, June 5, 2015

The Beauty of the World - Dedicated to Charley

This post is dedicated to a chocolate Labrador named Charley. The beauty of this past week symbolizes Charley's life perfectly.

We had a full moon before the latest round of storms, and its beauty was sublime.
The next morning after seeing that moon, Shyla surprised me by trying to "jump over the moon". I expected her to go under this log when I called her. It was super high but she chose to leap it. She was fine after her amazing leap, thank goodness. Her leap was astounding and miraculous, almost like Charley's life.
That night, I knew that moonrise would be just after sunset so I went to a great look-out spot to watch it rise with my Shyla by my side. It was less than five minutes from the first instant that I saw a hint of the moon until it was clear of the rocky peak that towers to our east.

Watching the moon rise in the silence of the outdoors makes me so happy. It takes a little bit of work to be in the right place at the right time but it's worth it.

Shyla loves being with me outdoors so she loves any event, even a moonrise, that leads to an outdoor adventure.
It was a beautiful week here, and I appreciated every single day. I was especially reminded to do that because a hero of ours died this week - a chocolate Labrador named Charley. He was diagnosed with bone cancer when he was 2 1/2 years old but he lived almost 5 years after his initial treatment. His family knew that every day was a gift, and they appreciated every single day with Charley.

Back when K was diagnosed with bone cancer, Charley's mom was so supportive, offering Charley's life as an example why it's worth trying to fight that awful disease - because miracles do happen. Alas, after living a miracle for almost 5 years, Charley was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma this past week and earned his angel wings.

This post is dedicated to Charley - he has inspired so many people and their dogs to live life to fullest after a diagnosis of bone cancer. Although K lived only 7 months after her diagnosis, they were an amazing 7 months, filled with love, gratitude for our bond, and even happiness. I was so grateful that we chose to extend her life by treating her cancer, partly thanks to Charley's example. Now, we send our love and support to Charley and his family.

You can visit Ellen and read about Charley at their Tripawds Blog.


  1. aww. i am sorry for the loss of charley. bless all who were touched by him.

    i really like your moon rise succession. very nice.

  2. First of all, we must comment on how superb those moon shots are.

    And then, to the sad news of Charley. It always makes us sad when animals have to leave. We're happy Charley had five extra years!

  3. It is always sad to lose a pal to the bridge and even sadder when it is from the Evil C. We are glad he had more years with his family. Beautiful moon photos.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  4. We are so sorry to hear about Charley - but what a beautiful post you did to honor him and his family!! Soft woos and gentle hugs to his family.

  5. I am so sorry to hear about Charley! One of my close friends had a dog die from the same thing this past week and my family dog passed from one as well. Those things are horrible. :(

    I love your moon photos! They're lovely!

  6. Lovely photographs and moving post about Charley. So sad that K did not have the time after diagnosis that he had. I will definitely drop by Ellen's blog.

  7. What a sweet post about a great dog --- I'm glad he had as many years as he did. And I'm glad you had K in spite of the heartbreak.

  8. Moonlight and starry skies, a perfect setting for Charley, and your tribute from your heart. Losing a special friend in our lives is personal, but, like Charley and K, it reaches far and wide. Blessings to you, as Co struggles in severe bad weather, Stay safe and high and dry. Hugs to all at your home.

  9. What a wonderful tribute, we are so sorry for the loss of such a brave friend.

  10. What a beautiful tribute to Charley. We feel grateful that he had so many additional years with his family but our hearts break for them with his loss. Godspeed Charley♥

  11. Hari OM
    ...and such as this aids the healing... thank you for sharing your 'medicine'. Condolences to all concerned. Hugs (and wags) YAM(aunty) xxx

  12. Thank you - and especially thanks to Charley and his family - for this beautiful reminder to Appreciate Now.

  13. Your gorgeous photos are a fitting tribute to Charley's amazing life.

  14. Such a beautiful tribute to dear Charley. We send love and hugs to his most wonderful family.

  15. Oh Charley! What a wonderful memorial to him.

  16. A beautiful tribute to a beautiful soul.

  17. We're so very sorry to hear about your furend Charley. What an inspiration he was! We will keep him in our thoughts and prayers.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  18. Hooray for you for ordering up that exquisite moon for Charley.He certainly deserved that great tribute and I am sure it gives his Mom real comfort to know he has helped many other pups.



  19. Your photos are beautiful and a wonderful tribute to Charley.

  20. Such a sweet tribute. We lost our Becca just a few short months after her diagnosis, so right on Charlie, way to give Cancer the finger ;)

  21. It is always so heart wrenching when a beloved companion leaves this life. So heartbreaking for the owners/parents. I am going to follow their blog, they have great photography like you do! Love your moon shots. Love your heart KB and your pack. I'll be in Ireland for two weeks so hope I get some awesome shots.
    Hugs, Noreen

  22. A very beautiful dedication,,,
    and beautiful moon
    beautiful words,

  23. Everything about this post is beautiful, and it's a perfect tribute to Charley!

  24. Everything about this post is beautiful, and it's a perfect tribute to Charley!

  25. Beautiful photos! And a wonderful tribute to a true Tripawd Hero. Thnaks for sharing.

  26. Hi Y'all!

    What a beautiful dedication to the family and their Charley.

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog


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