Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Black Dog

Our black dog, R, is having a great summer. He and the Runner have run lots of mountain trails. And R has had the chance to swim a lot!

In fact, he's been so busy with running that I rarely get to take his photo. But, here it is, our black dog in the yellow flowers!
We are thrilled that we decided to wait until later for his elbow surgery. The tentative plan is to have his elbow surgery this fall. However, he's been doing so well with daily anti-inflammatories that we occasionally allow ourselves the luxury of thinking that he might be able to wait even longer.

Part of our reason for waiting was that mountain summers are so special. They are short due to our elevation. So, we seize the days to have as much fun as we can. We didn't want R to miss a summer while he recovered from major elbow surgery.

I get to take photos of Shyla's fun more often than R's. It is so hard for me to believe that this meadow had deep snow on it so recently. That's probably why the flowers have gone wild this year!
It's not just the meadow's yellow flowers but all the flowers are going wild.
Happy Saturday to you! I hope that you can enjoy the beauty of the world around you!


  1. I'm so glad R is having a good time! I was going to ask you how he was doing!

  2. Also are happy that R is doing well and getting to enjoy the wonderful weather.

  3. R looks so handsome - stunning, in fact - against the field of yellow!

  4. We are sure glad R is having a great time!

  5. Crikey ..... it's so good to see R. He is a very handsome bloke and looks so good in those yellow daisies, aye??

  6. We love to see R show up here too.
    He's just a pleasure to look at.
    I can't imagine the fun he adds to your family.
    At work today a resident had a 5 week old silver Lab.
    She was just visiting. She was so sweet I wanted to
    bring her home. :)
    xo Linda & Cinnamon

  7. R is so totally handsome, and I agree that he is so enjoying your short summer. Time later on for surgery. Ditto down here for Hugh, except he has winter to fill his days.

  8. Have a super summer R... and enjoy all that beautiful flowers :o) maybe you can recover from the surgery together with my momma, who has her next hell-bow surgery in fall too ...
    easy rider

  9. We are thrilled to hear that you are too busy having fun to take time out for surgery. We love it!

  10. Beautiful shots again! I'm glad R gets to have a fun summer too! :)

  11. He is such a handsome dude. He's no doubt glad to enjoy the summer too.

  12. They are both gorgeous, particularly amongst the flowers.

  13. Former Cracker Dog R just looks totally splendid in that field of yellow flowers. HOWEVER, I am not sure once a week is enough for me to see that special boy, you might have to add another day!

    Cheers and hugs all around,

    Stella, Zkhat and Jo

  14. R looks so happy enjoying his summer,,, and his black fur is soo beautiful, and the yellow flowers too!


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