Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Rainy and Sunny Thursday

Today has been a very odd summer day for our neck of the woods. The sun will shine and then the world turns dark. In the next instant, a steady rain falls, drenching mountain bikers, dogs, and flowers.
Just as fast, the rain will stop, and the sun will shine, quickly drying a mountain biker's clothes, making the rain a distant memory. We rode through the storms and played in the flowers when the sun shined.
After one shower, I noticed the beauty of the a drenched Columbine.
After the next shower, I noticed the wild roses with raindrops on them.
Then, a steady rain ambushed me. Between that rain and some fatigue, it seemed to be time to call it a day. Time to rest.

And now it looks nice enough to sit on the deck. A strange but beautiful day...


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  3. Not a drop in sight here! Beautiful pics with the raindrops!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  4. Oh the raindrops on the flowers are great!!! You get the most incredible photos!!!

  5. We've had crazy weather here all of June. I'm hoping July is a bit less rainy! Your weather has certainly made for some lovely photos, though!

  6. We've had crazy weather here all of June. I'm hoping July is a bit less rainy! Your weather has certainly made for some lovely photos, though!

  7. I'm really hoping we get some rain here, soon! It's so dry and hot. Very weird for this area!

    I love the raindrops on the flowers! We have wild roses here, too and they make the park I go to smell so good! I love them!

  8. Our weather has been crazy like that, too. But you got some gorgeous shots from the craziness!

  9. We have had those quick downpours here lately as well. All of a sudden the sky opens and it pours. Five minutes later the sun is out. Love your flowers after the rain.

  10. Crikey how pretty are those pictures. That first one is very special.

  11. OMD!!! Those flowers are just beautifuls!!!! It's been that kind of week here too..without all the rain and flowers that is..:(
    Last night it didn't get below 75!! For us, that is just crazy! I feel like I'm back visiting my cousin's in Oklahoma!! BOL
    I hopes you guys have a great lazy evening
    Ruby ♥

  12. Superb Photo #1, one for any competition entry. Weather here is cool, showery and grey. Roll on towards summertime,.

  13. Hari OM
    If anyone had any doubt about climate change, this year Nature is making her voice heard!!! it is crazy on every part of the globe; gone are the steady seasons we recall from childhood... or is that just another trick of memory???

    LOVE that first image!!! YAM xx

  14. Weather has changed! We here in the Upper Midwest don't seem to see as much crazy stuff as other areas do,but its all different. Most of the old-timer farmers say its just one of those years but I'm not convinced of that at all. We have had warnings about what could happen for 30 years or more and now it is happening!

    Your beautiful photos are very touching!


  15. Doesn't the rain make for a very slippery ride? But then, I guess with all your experience, it is easily handled.

  16. Such terrific photos and I hope you enjoyed your deck time!

  17. The rain drops are lovely! Never noticed how pretty they could be. Have a wonderful Independence Day!

  18. Those are gorgeous! Don't you just love when the rain and the sun and the flowers all cooperate?

  19. The raindrops through the petals are beautiful! :)

  20. All the shots are beautiful, but that first one is "Stunning"

  21. I just love rain droplets on flowers...wonderful shots!!!

  22. Your photos are the most beautiful! We cannot get enough of all the beauty,, of Shyla in the yellow flowers,, or the Columbines,,
    with rain drops,, all beautiful

  23. I hiked to Lily Pad Lake last week - so many wild roses, but I saw no columbines...yet.


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