Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Wordless Wednesday - Joy

We have the great news that R is showing NO signs of liver or kidney damage. Our vet has "cleared" him to go back to everyday life!!!! Shyla loves her brother so she was leaping with joy!
As we often do after rough times, we're going to take at least a partial internet break. We want to take the time to enjoy having all four of us alive and well in this beautiful summertime.


  1. That is wonderful news. Take care of yourself and your family

  2. That beautiful word JOY told us all was good. Enjoy your time away - you have all earned a good relaxing rest.

  3. I am SO happy to hear this news! What a relief!

  4. Thank you for letting us know!!! Were sooooo happy too!
    Enjoy your time together!
    This is the best news ever!

  5. What everyone else said . . .that's what we say too!

    Love to all,

    Jo, StellaBella and Zkhat ,

  6. JOY is the word for today, and I am so happy, relieved and full of joy for you all, a break is totally in order, rest, relax, and have warm days, starry nights, and happy times.

  7. A break is definitely in order. Wonderful news.

  8. I had the vet out today for routine stuff and I was thinking of you and R while waiting for her to arrive (2 hours late, so I had a lot of time to think!) and remembering some of the times over the years when vet visits have been anything but routine. I was hoping you'd have an answer soon, and now I am SO happy to hear that the test results clear R for a return to normal exuberant life with his three Best Friends :)

  9. Awesome news! I am so glad to hear that the tests came out ok and R is not showing any other problems! Time to celebrate!!🎉🎉

  10. Wonderful news! Have a great time celebrating life!

  11. Yay R so glad to the vet gave you the all clear. Enjoy your time off with the family. I'll be waiting right here for y'all's return.

    Aroo to you,

  12. That's the best New's.
    Relax and enjoy your time together.
    xo Cinnamon

  13. Great news to celebrate! Enjoy your time together!

  14. That is Wonderful news!! you deserve time to enjoy yourselves
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  15. Wahoovies!!! Such happy news!
    Enjoy your family time!

  16. Wonderful news! I'm so happy your family is still intact and celebrating with joyous gusto!

  17. That is simply the best news. Now sit back and let the joys of living wash over you!

  18. This is such wonderful news! We are so very, very happy for all of you!

  19. Hari OM
    hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  20. Happy dance, happy dance, happy dance! That is wonderful news!!!!!!

  21. This is such wonderful news! I think Blogville is breathing a sigh of relief right now. We were really worried about R.

    Enjoy your break.


  22. Fantastic news!!! We are so happy R
    Lily & Edward

  23. We are thrilled that R is back to normal! We also appreciate your thoughtful updates during the crisis.
    Shlya is looking as gorgeous as ever, and so glad to hear that she is no longer a fearful gal!

  24. Indy and I are jumping with joy at this wonderful news!!! Enjoy your bloggy break, KB - see you when you return.

  25. So very glad to read of this news! Yeah, have a fun time away-I'll be in Ca. so probably won't post much.
    Hugs, Noreen

  26. We're so glad to hear that R is feeling better. Enjoy your time together.

  27. I read all the posts but decided to only comment on this one.

    Wow, you've had quite the time. I'm so sorry I wasn't here for POTP but I'm so glad it all turned out okay. I know how scary it is to watch someone you love in crisis and I'm excited for you that Shyla was so amazing through the whole ordeal.

    Good news about R, I'll add him to my prayer list for continued recovery and some calm and peace for you.


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