Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, August 7, 2015

Alpine Flower Friday

We are joining Dory for Flower Friday. 

During our recent trip, we spent most nights about 3,000' higher than our home. There's a rule of thumb that says that summer lags by 10 days for every 1,000' gained in elevation. Thus, it makes sense that the flowers blooming at our campsites were the same ones that bloomed at home about a month ago!

I love this one of R galloping through the Golden Banner. He's so full of enthusiasm, drive, and happiness. That's despite all he went through just before our trip. Look at his front right limb - you can see the patch where his IV had been inserted. He's so healthy that the patch has almost disappeared already.
For flower Friday, Shyla wants to remind everyone to stop and smell the flowers!
Of course, I needed to include my favorite flower, the Columbine. Up above Crested Butte, entire rocky slopes were covered in blooming Columbines. It was like a dream - so beautiful!
For my last flower, I need help identifying it. It's not a wildflower. I photographed the blossoms next to a sidewalk in Crested Butte. I'm sure the homeowners were laughing at the tourist photographing their flowers but they were SO beautiful. Do you know what these are called? I'd love to try to grow them.
Happy Flower Friday!


  1. I think they are bleeding hearts.
    they remind me of fuchsia so pretty.

    Linda and Cinnamon

  2. Now I understand why some flowers bloom early and some later. Beautiful purple.

  3. We were going to say bleeding hearts too. They are so pretty. The columbines are lovely as well. But the pics of the dogs and the flowers are just beautiful!!! So good to see R doing so well.

  4. Shyla, thanks for the reminder to stop and smell the flowers!

  5. Those flowers are beautiful and I'm so glad that R is doing okay! What a freak thing to have happen! Poor guy! They both look so happy up there!

  6. Looks like Bleeding Hearts to us too!
    R looks wonderful! And Shyla too
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  7. You combined two of our favorite things, dogs and flowers. You can get an app where you take a picture of a flower or plant and it will tell you what it is

  8. Ohhh the beauty of R and Shyla!!! And the flowers!
    We have that plant, Its bleeding heart and it comes back every year.
    We also have white bleeding hearts,, and we also have wild bleeding hearts that are more of a red color.

  9. Bleeding Heart is a very old-time flower and I just love them.
    I had a gorgeous one in my front bed that lasted 18 years, had a summer where every flower bloomed and then it just expired.
    This spring found me planting a new one but it isn't going to make it. Try, try again!


  10. that bleeding hearts are wonderful... I always think we should make a wish when we see one..maybe it comes true?

  11. I love the wild columbines! Their shape almost doesn't look real. I tried bleeding hearts once but had no luck with mine. Maybe I'll try again now that I'm reminded of how lovely and graceful they are.

  12. I also thought the last one was a bleeding heart. The sky looks so fresh and clear up there!

  13. Such beautiful photos and we're sure glad to see R so health and happy!

  14. What a gorgeous collection of flowers, scenery and good looking canines!!
    Thanks for joining us for Flower Friday!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  15. Your gorgeous photos are making us smile! We agree with the others - the unknown flower is the Bleeding Heart.


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