Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Labrador Dives

While we were up high in the mountains, our Duo had chances to leap into mountain lakes. I absolutely love their utter joy when they get to retrieve things from the water.

R is still the master when it comes to leaping, landing in the water, and getting to the ball very fast.

The leap...

And the landing...
We always have at least two balls with us so that Shyla doesn't get discouraged by not winning many races with R.

Shyla has mastered the leap...

The flight phase...

And the landing...
In fact, I think she can swim as fast as R. However, she tends to defer to R when it's a close race... so her older brother wins more often than she does. That's when the second ball is handy so she can "win" the race to the other ball and keep her confidence high.

As you may remember, before our trip, R had almost died from a toxin. By the third day of our trip, he seemed almost completely normal (for R!). You can see from these photos that he was playing with complete joy and abandon. I'm not sure whether he understands how close he came to losing his life. However, the Runner and I fully understand it, and we smiled endlessly as we watched him have so much fun.

Every day is a gift.


  1. So glad to see the duo having a blast, especially Mr. R.

  2. We should all be able to enjoy life as those two do!!! So happy to hear how well R is doing!

  3. We just came from Fiona and Abby's blog. We'd love to see your duo with Bert and also with the girls!!

    -Ruby, who is feeling s little better and Otto, who is still wet from his swim this afternoon :-)

  4. Bet that water was chilly, too!

  5. Happy Crazy Love.
    :) xo Cinnamon and Linda

  6. Hooray for a full - and joyful - recovery!

  7. Is the water warm enough for you to have a dip too? Super motion photos, and living each day to the fullest, a recipe for happiness.

  8. It is so good to see Prince Arrrr in such glorious shape and his dear little sister right in there with him!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  9. That's so awesome that they love the water so much! Phoenix likes it a lot now, too but Zoe still doesn't like it. Those photos are so cute! SPLASH!

  10. Shyla is totally sweet about R winning. What a thoughtful girl! I'm so happy to see R leaping in wTer! Awesome shots!

  11. oh it looks as if you can walk on the water...seems Deep Purple have to work on the lyrics, Walk on the water fits much better :o)

  12. Those photos are the very embodiment of joy. And so wonderful to see R so well!

  13. We are so very happy for the 4 of you! What fabulous action shots, KB!

  14. Hari OM
    R and Shyla, you soar!!! amazing and blessed recovery, R... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  15. Watching them soar made my heart soar. Glad R is doing so well!

  16. That sure is a whole lot of diving excitement!!!

  17. Oh these pictures just make us smile!!
    stella rose

  18. What joy to see R back to normal
    Lily & Edward

  19. Warms my heart to see R looking so great and having so much fun.

  20. Great photos - what fun for all!

  21. Were smiling too as we see both R and Shyla having soo much fun!
    Its a miracle!

  22. I love your dog diving photos. And I too smiled to see R acting healthy again - and at your comment about his, uh, normal! :D

  23. These pics make me so happy - talk about joy jumping off the pages!!!! Happy dogs = happy life :)

  24. Absolutely beautiful! Love seeing both R and Shyla enjoying their adventures. Thankfully animals have short term memory when it comes to close encounters like R had. So glad he is healthy again.

  25. So happy R recovered! Just love seeing them in the water!


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