Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Successful Sunday!

In case you were feeling sorry for Shyla in yesterday's photos - don't worry - she often catches the treat after I balance it on her nose!

But, there are always some funny outtakes, every time we play this game!
Happy Sunday!


  1. Go Shyla!!! Love the yellow wildflowers in front of her too!!

  2. We just love the action shots, Shyla!

  3. Well, I happened to read the two posts in reverse order, so I totally enjoyed both without worrying at all :) These are such happy-making pictures, KB!

  4. She sure keeps her eyes on the prize.

  5. Priceless. And here I thought R was the goofy one. Shyla has certainly become a fun girl.

  6. LOL! She's so cute! These photos are stunning!

  7. Hi there, love your girl! So glad to be home and we planned on going to Brevkenridge with our friends, but they are supposed to get heavy rain. Hope you have a great day KN!

  8. Love the photos of Shyla and the treats. She is so darn cute and the faces she makes just crack me up. You are very skilled with the camera to capture those moments! Hope you and R are both feeling better.

  9. What great captures, KB. Looks like fun for all involved!


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