Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Superstar Sunday - Black Dog and Stars

When we camp, I love playing with our dogs by day, especially in mountain lakes.
Got it!
And gazing at the stars by night. The next photo was a time lapse from a dark night after the moon had set.
Life feels so simple when we're camped out in the quiet of the mountains.


  1. R is so cute with his ball and I always love your star trail photos! So neat!

  2. Great action shots!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  3. Oh my, look at all the detail in that first photo - love the splash of the water as the ball lands and then all the splish splash from R's leap!!!

  4. Getting away from everything, and just relaxing is very restorative.

  5. You sure made us smile R!!! The stars are beautiful but R is the star of the day!

  6. OMD, you guys are sure havin' a FABulous time!!! I am so jealous..I thinks even todays I would jump into the water and gets my furs wet!!! too hot!
    LOVES the Starry Night photo!!!
    Ruby ♥♥

  7. R looked like he had a great time.

    Aroo to you,

  8. Awesome Action Shots and the stars are Pawesome :) Milo & Jet

  9. Looks like he is really enjoying a fun day.
    And dreaming under the stars, perfect way to end the day.
    xo Cinnamon

  10. Beautiful photos! Have fun☺

  11. I fell the same way, KB, when I take Indy to the beach. We own a small manufactured home in West Ocean City MD and go there most weekends. My husband goes fishing ALOT! I don't mind because on those days, I pack up a cooler and take my sweet boy to Assateague national Seashore, a barrier island that has a wonderful place for dogs to play and swim. When I walk with Indy on that beach, all my troubles and my sad thoughts seem to melt away, just for a few minutes. I always look at the horizon where the ocean meets the sky and imagine my son is there, watching over me.

    So glad you get to have this special time with your pack :):)

  12. Catching up after internet problems. Great photos of the bobcats! We agree, camping and playing are some of the best times spent with dogs.

  13. Love these pics!! The star trails are really cool! I stumbled upon an article about dogs that eat strange things that are not good for them and I am wondering if it might help R with the mushroom problem? Here is the link to the product: http://www.outfoxfordogs.com/product/outfox-field-guard/

    Hope this helps!

  14. R looks sooo happy!! That makes us happy too!
    And the stars are so beautiful!


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