Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Black Dog Update

Since the poisoning incident, R has been wearing a muzzle most of the time when he's outdoors. Fortunately, he is a very confident dog so it doesn't affect him much. Also, fortunately, Shyla hasn't needed a muzzle. I would worry that it would set back her growing confidence. It must be scary to feel that you can't defend yourself due to a muzzle.
When we do our stay or recall practice, it doesn't cross R's mind to look for mushrooms so he's okay without his muzzle. I think the "freedom from the muzzle" during training has made him love it even more.

A recall race, cheek-to-cheek...
We are all looking forward to when the mushroom crop disappears so we can put the muzzle away all the time.
We feel very fortunate that R doesn't seem to have any long-term effects from his poisoning. We may do one more blood test to be absolutely sure because he has lost a little weight since the incident. However, I think we're just being paranoid, and the test will be fine.
We know how lucky we are to still have R with us after almost losing him.


  1. Lots of prayers were sent up to the heavens that day. Hugs stella rose

  2. I am glad he came out of that frightening experience okay! Prayers were definitely answered and a muzzle is a small price to pay for safety's sake! Such a great idea to make it a positive experience for him. Looking at him now, it's hard to believe how dire his circumstances were just a short time ago!

  3. I am so thankful this turned out well. So was it definitely determined to be mushroom poisoning? Obviously the muzzle works for anything ingested, but I was just curious......

  4. We hope mushroom time is over soon, too. We don't think we'd like a muzzle either. And we hope those bears are finally getting enough to eat!

  5. Wonderful to see him doing so well. He is so good to tolerate the muzzle. We think he must know that his humans do what they do because they love him and want to protect him.

  6. I am just so happy that R is OK. It will be a year next month since we lost Greta, the experience still so fresh in my mind, I was so worried for him. Glad he tolerates the muzzle well and is such a happy handsome dog.
    Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  7. You are such a good boy R. That muzzle doesn't matter right?
    Lily & Edward

  8. Hari OM
    Handsome R... so very glad you are on guard against further mistakes! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  9. They are too cute! I love the recall photo! That's awesome that R doesn't mind the muzzle. We did muzzle training with both girls so they are used to wearing it if they ever need to. They don't love it but it's not horrible whenever we practice it.

  10. It is amazing that he came through that so quickly and so well! POTP!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  11. It truly is a miracle that R came out of this fine. He wears his muzzle well!

    The check to check melted my heart!

  12. R looks so happy and healthy, just as he should!

  13. Like everyone, I"m also grateful that your boy is doing well!

  14. I was just thinking about R yesterday, and I'm so glad to know he seems to be fully recovered. Were you able to determine what type of mushroom it might have been? I don't remember what kinds of shrooms grow in the CO Rockies, but I do know some varieties are more specific than others in their habitat requirements, and growth cycles. Perhaps the toxic ones could actually be avoided? You've probably already thought about this, but I'll toss it out anyway, just in case.

  15. He certainly looks great considering what he went through. Wish I could wave the mushrooms away for the rest of the summer but I fear it won't happen until frost.

  16. Great to hear that R is doing so well and that the muzzle is being tolerated! Lots of POTP that day!

  17. We are so thankful- just like you are that R is doing so well. We hope the next lab tests will be fine!
    Its so wonderful that R will tolerate the muzzle!! We just never know when one little mushroom can look so tasty and tempting!

    The photo of R and Shyla doing recall is beautiful.

  18. Such a handsome boy, we are soooooooooooo happy is is doing so well!!!

  19. What a sweet boy! I'll be so glad when the mushroom season is over.

  20. Thank doG you're okay, R. We love ya, buddy!

  21. I'm glad too this bad adventure had no aftereffects. please stay away from things outside of your bowl :o) Easy had to wear a muzzle for a while too, as they poisoned the rats in the sewer system, what a madness and what a danger for people and pets...

  22. So glad he's OK. There are a ton of mushrooms this year, but these two could care less. Thank goodness! After your scare I do watch them around the shrooms, just to be sure.

  23. We're glad to hear R is doing so well after his big scare.

  24. Howdy Mates. Sorry to hear about the poisoning and glad to hear R is better. Looks like he doesn't mind the muzzle. They are very lightweight so that's a bonus. What a wonderful photo of your two together. Your photos are fabulous. Take care all.
    No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  25. After I had read this post I went back in your blog to see what had happened. You must have been so scared and worried about this wonderful dog. I am so glad that he survived this ordeal - sure, the muzzle is no fun, but what a small price to pay. I am so glad that he made it through and looks as sweet and lovely as always! I hope that the blood test came out fine!

  26. We know how lucky R is to have such careful and considerate owners!


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