Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Intensity of our Black Dog

R is a Lab who one trainer called a "10,000 Volt Dog". When he chooses to do something, he throws all his energy and enthusiasm into it.

He's willing to sit still if we ask him to "stay".
But he's not always happy about it. Sometimes I think he's protesting by refusing to open his eyes for a photo!
That is, unless he hears me pull out a treat. Then he's interested!
But, R is happiest when he's in action. He doesn't require treats to look happy and intense while running!
This is the kind of image that comes to mind when I think of R being happy - ears flying in the air as he's sprinting directly to me.
I'm glad he ended up with us. Without a very active life, R couldn't be happy. But, as long as he gets to sprint at full speed every day, he's a content dog.


  1. He's one of the most gorgeous black labs I've ever seen - your photos really capture his handsomeness!

  2. Hari OM
    Sharing that joy with us multiplies it! R is just goooorgeous!!! YAM xx

  3. Oh yes, R is one happy boy on the run!!! Glad he is doing so well.

  4. He is so handsome! I love his running photos! :D

  5. Yes, he is a very handsome fellow!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    Be sure to check out the OFFICIAL new blog for the 2016 Blogville Awesome Retreat (BAR) at: http://blogvilleawesomeretreat.blogspot.com/

  6. You can feel the joy radiating from is face!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  7. He's a gorgeous dog! I bet he's glad he ended up with you, too!

  8. He's so handsome and filled with joy. These photos are beautiful.

  9. So great when the right dog goes to the right family. I feel so sorry for active dogs forced to live an inactive life because the owners are just too lazy to give them the exercise they need.

  10. R is totally amazing and we see the happy in his eyes!

  11. That last photo says it all!! Such a happy guy!

  12. Yuppers! That is one happy doggie!!!! WoooHooooo!!!
    Ruby ♥

  13. I am convinced that he is a super happy dog. Just look at him! He looks happy and healthy, his eyes sparkle - and he obviously loves you!

  14. You'll laugh, but I especially love the picture where R's eyes are closed :)
    I imagine him thinking, "Must Stay. Must Stay."
    "Stay"ing is Piper's hardest job, I think. I'm going to tell her to try keeping her eyes closed next time!

  15. Were very happy you have R too, in your family,,
    He is a happy boy

  16. I'm so glad he ended up with your family! And I hope he does all right with his future surgery.

  17. He's made to run, and he's so handsome too.

  18. Oh my R you are hilarious! Keep those eyes closed
    Lily & Edward

  19. Love that last photo! R is radiating happiness.

  20. I can't believe he closes his eyes to try and escape. That cracks me up!


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