Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, September 10, 2015

A Ridge of Wildflowers

Back to our trip... We were in the San Juan Mountains, in southwest Colorado, and we'd left a spectacular area to explore a new one. After the pack reunited close to the access point for our next campsite, we drove almost 20 miles on an empty dirt road up toward the higher mountains. We searched around for a campsite. We found one, although it had no expansive views like our previous one. However, it was very quiet, with no one else around, as far as we could tell.

The main attraction to this site was that it was close to a spectacular part of the Colorado Trail called Indian Trail Ridge. We'd read about the incredible views and the amazing wildflowers.

Shyla and I headed out for a ride the next morning. Almost immediately, we were on a ridge that had mountainous views in every direction.
Parts of the ridge were hike-a-bike because they were either too steep or too rocky. However, I didn't mind because the scenery was so incredible.
There were a few sections where the wildflowers still bloomed in all their glory.
We lingered in those sections. It looked as if every square inch was covered in riotous wildflowers!
We had a blast exploring the ridge and then met the boys back at camp for a relaxing afternoon. We lazed around our quiet campsite, snoozing and reading.

That night was cold but the sky was mostly clear, giving an incredible view of the Milky Way.
The next day, I ended up having quite an adventure when I tried to do a point-to-point ride to leave the campsite and meet the pack down lower. I survived but nothing went as planned. I'll save that story for tomorrow.


  1. Oh WOW - those shots in the riotous wildflowers are incredible!!!

    You always leave us hanging about what new unforeseen adventure you had:) We will wait patiently because we know it will be good.

  2. Those are such great photos of you sweet Shyla!

  3. WOW! Those wildflowers are glorious! <3

  4. Wildflowers are glorious, what colours, and so tall, and what a view from the top.

  5. Shiny stars and smiley Shyla, you couldn't ask for a more beautiful day!

  6. Shyla looks very happy amongst the flowers!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. So much beauty. What can I say? It's so generous of you to share it with us.

  8. You always share so much of our beautiful state KB; parts I've never been to yet. Love the wildflowers! I'm thinking you must have an extended lab-mobile for sleeping in or a trailer-because now days I hate sleeping on the ground and with a bad back and neck, I can't imagine your doing it. Thanks for sharing the beauty dear friend. Have a fantastic Friday.
    Hugs, Noreen

  9. The most beautiful of beautiful of flowers!!
    And I love the Milky Way photo,,,soo splendorious!
    I do not know where to look for it in the sky. I see the big dipper when I go outside at night to say nitey nite to the stars.
    Thank you KB for sharing

  10. I love to see Shyla run through those wild flowers on the trail.. we wish we were there!

  11. I always hold my breath when you do those point-to-point rides. Looking forward to the story. And oh, the lovely wildflowers. What a treat.

  12. The flowers are just lovely, but the stars are what excite me. Living in town, my stars are scattered here and there, pretty but nothing like what you have out there. Someday, I hope to see all those multitudes of stars, Doubt I could close my eyes all night!

    Jo and the petz

  13. I just can't get enough of those wildflowers!!

  14. Look at all those stars! beautiful
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  15. Every pic is incredible. and to see all those wildflowers still in bloom. cant wait for more of the adventure tomorrow.

  16. What a nice surprise....the view, we mean. The flowers are just starting to burst our here.

  17. You look so beautiful among the gorgeous wildflowers, Shyla!

  18. your wildflowers are much much better than the flowers we have in our garden... it's a colorful ocean :o)

  19. Absolutely amazing wildflowers! How I miss the wildflowers...thanks for sharing!

  20. I've been reading trail journals from the CO Trail and many have told of the amazing flowers on Indian Ridge. What great shots you got of the flowers and Shyla. I like the "hike a bike" concept!

  21. Oh boy that is so pretty. Love those wildflowers
    Lily & Edward

  22. Those meadows full of flowers seem like something out of a fairy tale, to gorgeous to be real!

  23. I agree with everyone else: the wildflowers are simply fantastic! Thanks for sharing them!


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