Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, September 21, 2015

An autumn alpine retreat

We did a quick getaway this weekend to enjoy the golden alpine world. We headed for a campsite we've visited before. We drove up a forest road that was like a golden tunnel to get to the campsite.
The road was lines with dense aspen groves that glowed gold.
We arrived around sunset and settled in to our cozy little camp. The sky was so clear that the stars seemed endless.
Sunrise the next morning promised a clear and sunny day!!!! If you look closely, you can see that one star in the upper left was still visible just before the sun peeked over the eastern horizon.
We had a glorious weekend, camping at around 11,000' with endless alpine tundra all around us. We all had a blast playing among the mountains and gazing at the golden aspens coloring entire ridges.

Shyla jumped for joy!
I'll tell you more about our autumn adventure in upcoming posts!


  1. Above 10,000' we have yellow, but in town the trees are still mostly green. Your photos are gorgeous. I'm hiking Guanella Pass with friends tomorrow - I hope the trees are glowing like these were!

  2. KB, love the area you were in-don't know where but it is glorious. We took a drive yesterday but didn't see much color; I thought of you living up high. I'll head to Breckenridge at the beginning of October. Thanks for sharing!
    Hugs, Noreen

  3. Yay! Shyla looks so happy! It's pretty there!

  4. 90 % of our aspen in my mountain had such a rough year that the leaves have already died and fallen. Hopefully our trees are still safe and alive, but wont know until next year.

    Hopefully , I enjoy your pictures as a replacement

    beautiful beautiful

  5. Beauty,, beauty,, beauty!! Every photo,,,!
    Thank you KB,,,,
    can i tell you something? i see a half moon,,, i bet you see it too!
    cause we both love the moon!

  6. The aspen forest is just gorgeous!

  7. a golden tunnel, yes, that's the PAWfect description :o)

  8. WOW! You really can't see the forest for the trees! We love that flying Shyla!

  9. Glorious photos!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  10. Oh my....what beautiful aspen and night sky pictures!!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  11. We need some fall air quick
    Lily & Edward

  12. So pretty and Shyla I liked your action shot.

    Aroo to you,

  13. My big wish is to someday see that sky so full of stars!


  14. love that 2nd shot and your athlete. :)


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