Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, September 25, 2015

Fantastic Friday - A Reunion

Today, I just had to go check trail cameras to see if we'd gotten any glimpses of the bear family. The first photo I came upon was intriguing - an adult bear with a black cub. And, in subsequent photos after this pair had moved on, a chocolate cub ran past the camera so fast that he was a blur.
My heart started beating faster. I thought that, maybe just maybe, the bear family who had lost their black cub had reunited. I hopped on my bike and sprinted to another nearby camera.

The first photos were of the chocolate cub and mom walking very close together.
Mom forged ahead...
And then the chocolate cub walked almost on her heels. No sign of a black cub yet.
About 30 seconds later, a black cub passed the same camera. I literally let out a small whoop of happiness as I stared at the tiny image on the camera screen.
I believe that the family is reunited. One cub or the other lagging behind is normal... My only niggling question is whether it's conceivable that we have a second bear family in the forest with two different colored cubs (seems unlikely to me!). The reason why that question is bugging me is that I didn't think that the mother looked exactly like she has looked in the past. However, bears change fast at this time of year - getting fatter by the day and growing their winter coats.

For the moment, I am cautiously celebrating. Our little Braveheart is with her family!!!!!!

Shyla felt that such a monumental event was worthy of a treat party!
Happy Friday!


  1. That would certainly be cause for a treat celebration - w so hope that really is little Braveheart with her family.

  2. I agree with the OP Pack.
    Hoping Braveheart is with her family, great cause for a little treat celebrating Shyla style.
    xo Cinnamon

  3. OH!! This is great news!! I haven't been able to look at your recent bear posts because I didn't want to know tha that cub was still out on his own... WOO-HOO!!

  4. Yay! That pict of Shyla is killing me... STOP IT! Tee-hee :)

  5. Oh I do hope they are the same family. It would be so wonderful to know the little guy is safe for the winter.

  6. Oh we do so hope the bear family as reunited!!!
    What a fun pic of Shyla.
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  7. I so hope Braveheart is back with her family for good!

  8. that's a reason to celebrate, I agree with Shyla... bring on the truck with the treats :o)

  9. Treats all around! We are so happy for Braveheart!

  10. I so hope that you are correct and the Braveheart pack is back together!

  11. What wonderful news, thank you so much for sharing your trail camera dramas with us! I would have been whooping and hollering in the forest too!

  12. I sure hope that's the case too and they are all a family again!

  13. I sure hope that they found each other. Those little guys need their moms in the winter especially.

  14. Love that action shot of silly Shyla! Seeing the bear and cubs on your trail cams is such a treat. I'm watching carefully now when i"m in the woods.

  15. I'm so excited that it might just be Braveheart's mom and sibling. Couldn't tell if the black cub had a limp though...keeping positive thoughts for it being a family reunion!
    Hugs, Noreen

  16. We sure hope it is the same family that is now reunited. Shyla is so cute in that picture.

  17. I also let out a small whoop! Thanks for sharing - and you, too, Shyla!

  18. We hope it is the same bear family. We thought that even though the little black cub with the sore leg was way behind, it must have been getting food somehow to still be around.

  19. Love that last photo! That says it all, doesn't it? :)


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