Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Golden Hour in the Golden Campsite

Before I backtracked to tell you about the bear family yesterday, I had been telling you about our time in the San Juan mountains.

After a couple of days in one area with incredible views, we moved to an even better campsite than our first one. It was secluded, and it had a large grass and wildflower area with a view that I love so much. We sleep in our LabMobile, and you can see the sweet spot where this campsite was.
As someone who loves photography, I had fun with the incredible mountain backdrop. I played with each dog and captured photos of them with the rock-faced mountains behind them.
I also played with each of them in the wildflowers during the Golden Hour before sunset. I took care to get some photos of R by himself for my 2016 calendar (this is the first year that I've actually planned ahead a little bit for it!).

I did the same with Shyla - and her chocolate fur glows in the reddish setting sun. Part of why I love chocolate-colored fur is that its tone changes depending on the light.
She truly glowed when bathed in the setting sunlight.
And we continued our tradition of waving goodbye to the sun just before it dipped below the mountains. Shyla looked very serious about this tradition!
Our time at that magical campsite was drawing to an end, as was our trip. I'll finish up telling you about it very soon. It's such a special place. In fact, it's a place that I visualize when life feels as if it's going awry. I hope that we can return for many years to come!


  1. waving back at ya sweet Shyla.

  2. I hope you have many many years of going back to all the beautiful places you explore and share with us.

  3. It is so beautiful there it is easy to understand why you love it so much. We too wish you many more years of enjoyment there.

  4. We love it, such a beautiful place! Howdy Shyla!

  5. Bye-bye, Shyla! See ya next time!

    -Ruby and Otto

  6. That campsite is stunning! I love your photos, especially the one of Shyla waving! <3

  7. you will have a wonderful calendar!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  8. R your ears are priceless... and your paw is pawsome Shyla, pawfect for a pawlendar ! I wish we had such a Lab-mobile too, butt my mom isn't such an adventurer like me and my dad... :o)

  9. such a lovely place to camp, to be and enjoy! I hope to get out again, i hear the smoke has cleared back home, so perhaps on my return i will prepare to camp. Such wonderful photos.

  10. Wow, that is a beautiful place. Do secret things happen in the Labmobile?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  11. Every one of those photos is special!!! We love that you capture the moments,,, so splendidly! Mountains and flowers,, and trails and R and Shyla,,, Every moment is perfect!

  12. Incredible sky photos! Shyla, Ziggy sends high paw to you as well.

    Anne and Ziggy

  13. Incredible. When I need joy in my life I can always visit you and be uplifted. That rainbow is spectacular.


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