Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Luxury Campsite

When I met the pack after my longish bike journey, we were in one of our favorite spots in the Colorado mountains. Look at the view from our campsite!
And this was the other direction, where storms tend to brew.
We were thrilled to find that our kitchen had granite counters - a luxury item!
It also had bunches of Columbines blooming right next to it.
And Elephant flowers grew nearby - this spot is where I see the best ones every year.
And, to top it off, there were many lakes nearby. The dogs swam almost every day which made them ecstatic.  Shyla is showing off her "tail power" in this photo.
We were happy campers, ready to enjoy some relaxing time in paradise!


  1. Your campsite is so awesome! I totally lol'd at the granite counters! :D

  2. Hi R!! You're singing on my calendar today!!

  3. So glad the weather and campsite were so gorgeous. What a view indeed.

  4. Granite countertops _ :-) You make us smile. What a beautiful spot for some relaxation for all of you.

  5. I'm always happy when nature provides the necessities, and a long drop is often the final fitting necessary for comfort!!Built in kitchen, expansive front area for chairs, a sky with no city lights, What a magnificent view. Enjoy those autumn days.

  6. All I can say is, wow.
    R is looking good. Shyla looks like a powerful swimmer.

  7. OMD, I am soooooo jealous!!!! I really, really, really, really, wants to stow away next time!!! Though..I thinks I'll be stayin' at the deluxe campsite with the granite countertops, since I don't like to gets my furs wet! BOL
    Ruby ♥

  8. Just wondering if the September pic on my calendar was taken in the area you are in now. I love my calendar.

  9. SHE'd love to sit in that chair with a glass of wine (or coffee) and just soak up that gorgeous scenery.

  10. that's a pawsome kitchen... and yes even with granite counters... my dad says, my mom can go camping now too, because she bugs him for years for granite counters .... thanks for helping my dad out with a brilliant idea!

  11. What a spot, what a view. That is luxury at it's finest.

  12. What a gorgeous spot - how can you not relax there!

  13. Love that granite countertop.
    But the view is priceless.
    Hope R is 100% his crazy-self soon!
    xo Cinnamon

  14. What a fabulous spot! The elephant flowers really do have little trunks ☺

  15. Wow,,, how amazing you camped with that beautiful view,, right on the cliff! The flowers were gorgeous!'
    I wonder what you cook on that cool camp stove?
    Shyla is really enjoying that swim! And R looks soo comfy!

  16. Beautiful! I don't know what I can say that hasn't already been said, but both views are a knockout. Are we getting nighttime pics from this luxury site?

    Our Prince Arrr is certainly giving us a thoughtful look.

    Cheers and hugs all around,

    Jo and the Petz


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