Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Recall Races by the Labraduo

Our black dog joined me and Shyla for a mountain bike ride today.
When I have both halves of our Labraduo with me, I start our ride with some recall races to remind them that they must come when called.
R, being wiser than Shyla, knows that blocking is a key part of winning these recall races. Look at Shyla's eyes peeking from behind him in this race. He won, thanks to his blocking maneuver.
After three years of being "blocked" during races, Shyla is finally finding the confidence to use the maneuver on R!

The next photo was a recall later in our ride. It was the first "block" I've ever seen Shyla use.
She won by a stride!
Here's what R has to say about Shyla adopting his strategy!
Happy Sunday!


  1. Always a surprise to the older sibling when the younger one begins to learn the tricks. Adorable photographs.

  2. Shyla has such a cute smile in the photo of her blocking R!! You go, girl!!

  3. They are so cute! It's awesome seeing Shyla being confident! :D

  4. Too funny!!! They may try to bump each other out of the winning spot, but it is easy to see how nicely they are bonded!

  5. R you are a GREAT big brother. I love seeing the two of you.

  6. What a fun time the duo had!! Thanks for the smile!

  7. Good for you, Shyla! We girls are so smart!

    Love ya lots♥

  8. great race technique... it's not only the speed what makes a winner :o)

  9. I love that. They just look so content with each other. Fun sibling rivalry.

  10. LOVE THIS!!!! R looks so handsome in these pics, they are the best labra-duo ever.

  11. Mom reminds us we have to come when called daily, BOL adorable you two together
    Lily & Edward

  12. Love, love, love these pictures of the two of them together. Their beautiful bond just bursts out of these images.

  13. Good for you, Shyla! It'll be a real competition in future...trying to block each other.

  14. YAY Shyla - girl power (mom made me write that)! R is looking good too!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. You captured that whole sequence of events perfectly :)


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