Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Spirits of the Labraduo

Last week, I captured photos of both dogs that I felt really showed their spirits. R is the wild and crazy class clown. His exuberance is contagious. He lives life to the fullest, never missing a chance for fun. R also has a soft side that loves snuggling and making people laugh.

Shyla is full of wonder and hope. While she can be rough and tumble like her brother, her heart is sensitive to an extreme. While that sensitivity can cause her to feel fear, it now mostly makes her behave very sweetly and gently with anyone who she perceives as feeling sad. Her sensitivity has become one of my favorite parts of her.

They are an amazing pair - so different from each other yet bonded very strongly to each other. We love our Labraduo!


  1. They sound as if they go together well. Each sort of balancing out the other.

  2. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  3. For whatever reason, your posts stopped showing up in my feed. I can't believe how much amazing content I've missed. It as so nice to play catch up and view your gorgeous duo!

  4. OMD, that is so cute!!! I loves me the LabraDuo too!!! They are the bestest!
    Ruby ♥

  5. We love the Labraduo, too!!

    -Otto and Ruby

  6. I used to woRk for a fellow who often said that "if reincarnation is true" he wants to come back as one of his wife's horses. I would like to come back as one of your dogs!

  7. Yes, they are spectacular indeed!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley


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