Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Clouds, winter, and moose news

Our warm and sunny extended summer seems to have ended. The approach of winter was heralded by the arrival of clouds.
Although the weather front made the world colder, its clouds made the sunsets more beautiful.
Today, we are socked in by a cold fog. It lifted for a moment this morning, and the mountains were snow-covered! I didn't get my camera out fast enough for a photo. Don't worry - there will be plenty of snowy mountain photos in the coming months!

P.S. Yesterday, I wrote about Shyla's "tense look" in a photo and the possibility that she knew that moose were nearby. Just after that photo, we ran into a few friends. We all chatted (and Shyla acted skittish around them for the first time in a long time). One of my friends told me today that three moose (mom, calf, and big bull moose) came down out of the forest and blocked their path just after Shyla and I departed. I think that I should always listen to Shyla! She was doubtless skittish around my friends because of the nearby moose.


  1. My husband walked by as I was opening your blog and said "wow" to your photographs. He said they looked like paintings!
    Lesson from Shyla is now if she is nervous it is for good reason!

  2. Shyla is one very smart girl!!! It was a lot cooler here tonight for our after dinner walk. Not quite like winter but the sibes sure could feel the difference - they are craving snow:)

  3. We had fog here this morning, too! That's good that Shyla is able to tell you when their are moose around!

  4. Things have been cooling off here too, hopefully you will get an Indian Summer of two before winter hits!!

  5. Dogs are better at knowing than we think. We always watch Torrey for cues when are out hiking. Doesn't it seem crazy that winter is around the corner already.

  6. the clouds give it the special look, I love it!!!

  7. You are one smart girl, Shyla! Your photos are so beautiful, KB!

  8. Sweet Shyla was sure trying to tell you something. Beautiful photos!

  9. Shyla really has become tuned in to your world. Such beautiful pictures as always.


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