Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Hugs from the Rockies

Today is a special day when we are all thinking of our friends over at The Three Little Pugs. All of them have had such a rough time lately that we wanted to make today a Hug Day to help comfort and cheer them.

The cutest kind of hugs that I know are between our two dogs.

They are so bonded that it brings tears to my eyes sometimes (notice that Shyla has a chocolate paw and a black paw under her chin).

They also have kisses to share with the Three Little Pugs.

But mostly, they snuggle together, happy to share their warmth.

All of us are thinking of our friends who have been through so much. We wish good health for all of them, and that means a smooth journey back to health for their dad.

We hope that all of the hugs being shared in Blogville today will make them smile just a little bit!


  1. Hugs like these cannot fail to heal :)

  2. Those two are so bonded. It's wonderful to see that kind of love.

  3. That's such a sweet idea for a blog hop! I love those photos of R and Shyla! <3

  4. For some reason, I didn't see the post until this afternoon. I love seeing your duo snuggling and so peaceful. Love the pugs and hoping Butch gets better very quickly. Blogville is the best place to be.

  5. Love your post for the hop. Gorgeous pics. I'm sure the pugs and their mom and dad can feel the hugs coming their way! (I'm such a dope. I forgot the hop was today until just now when I saw your Fbk post.)

  6. When Dads or Mums are so ill, the family children, no matter how old, might be the ones who worry the most. Hugs from close by, far away, and even further from down here are all in a day's love, care and support. Sending mine to the family too. Lovely bonding with R & Shyla.

  7. Those are great hugs that we know the pugs and their pawrents will love.

  8. Wonderful photos that truly "show and share the love!" I think it's a wonderful idea, I had wanted to participate, but forgot -- However, I know that The Three Little Pugs are feeling the love from all their friends!

  9. Of all the many beautiful hugs we have seen today all over the world for The Three Little Pugs and family, we have to say that R and Shyla really touched us the most. They remind us so much of what Ciara once had with her Thunder.

  10. R and Shyla are just beautiful together...

  11. Hugs for a very worthy cause from two beautiful dogs

  12. Those are the best hugs and kisses ever!!! R and Shyla hugs and kisses!

  13. Those two are just the sweetest! Wonderful hugs to share
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  14. Beautiful! Ok, we need a stronger word . . . Those pics make our hearts smile!

    Your Pals,


  15. Beautiful! Ok, we need a stronger word . . . Those pics make our hearts smile!

    Your Pals,


  16. OMD!!!!! You guys are just so adorables!!! I loves your huggy photos! I bets everyone at The Three Little Pugs just feeeeels the love!!!!
    Ruby ♥

  17. I love seeing them all snuggled. Great pictures and hugs are the best.

    Anne and Ziggy

  18. So sweet. We're sure your hugs have made it to Iowa and make everyone smile.

  19. You have captured the love of your duo perfectly! What beautiful photos! They definitely should be framed. We sure hope that all of the hugs are helping the pugs and their parents.

  20. that are wonderful hugs... and they come straight from the heart, I'm sure... and I'm sure that rockie-hugs have some egg-stra healing power :o)

  21. These hugs and kisses and love can heal just about anything♥

  22. Hari OM
    ....beyond words! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  23. OMD, those are the BEST hugs! I'm so happy to see how bonded Shyla and R have become.


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