Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Silhouette Sunday

One evening recently, every cloud in the sky lit up in pink at sunset. One of my favorite aspen groves was bathed in pink light.
When I see a sunset like this one developing, I'm always torn about whether to head to the view of the Continental Divide or head for my favorite spot for silhouette photos. On this evening, we hustled to the silhouette spot. It was the tail end of the sunset, almost dusk, but it was glorious.
I think that I notice and appreciate Nature's glorious displays even more now that I am a photographer. I recognize a truly special moment and make sure I don't miss it! The pink sunset was one of those moments.


  1. I like that Shyla is in the pink! Your sky was gorgeous.

  2. We do get some beautiful sunsets out here in the west! Beautiful shots!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  3. What a wonderful silhouette capture....the pinks and blues are so gorgeous!!

  4. Both photos could make the most stunning paintings! Beautiful!

  5. Gorgeous sunsets!!! Shyla looks amazing up there!!!

  6. We have had some amazing pink and purple sunrises the past few weeks. The colours remind me of your sunset.

  7. Amazing colors - great timing!

  8. Gorgeous sunset colors!
    Mr Bailey Hazel & Mabel

  9. And were right with you capturing and seizing these magical moments!
    You truly are a photographer,, and more than that. You capture time!

  10. OMD!!!! That is so amazin'! I loves the silhouettes...
    We've been having some FABulous sunsets here too with all the monsoonal clouds this last week..haven't gotten any beautiful shots like you though! BOL
    Ruby ♥

  11. you know how to take the bestest photos... Shyla is a super model, she looka amazing in front of that wonderful sky :o)

  12. Beautiful shot. And yes, I think as a photographer we are always on the lookout for something beautiful.

  13. Oh that pink is so beautiful...we also hope you are feeling much better...stella rose

  14. You are so gifted in photography-your photos are always amazing and I love this one. We were probably both enjoying the same sunset; we live in a beautiful area and I love how you are able to capture it and share with us.
    Hugs, Noreen

  15. You are so lucky to live where photo ops are so plentiful. These are another set of beautiful pictures.


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