Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Colors of October

This post has a photographic synopsis of our October colors.

In the first half of the month, sunrise light was growing more dramatic while the golden aspen leaves were still on the trees.

Later in the month, a stormy front arrived and stuck around for days and days. Initially, it looked beautiful with the golden leaves. But then, its rain, snow, and wind stripped the leaves from the trees.

Although the gold is gone from our landscape, sunrises and sunsets have lit the now wintry clouds afire, making a new kind of color in our world.

Fortunately, Shyla loves to stand atop boulders, and I love photographing her silhouette. We're a good combination!

And, she'll stay there, even as the light fades from the sky.
Happy Sunday!


  1. The silhouette photos are amazing!!! Our fall colors came very fast and are now quite fleeting. The leaves are falling way too quickly. The dogs are hoping that means snow will come soon:)

  2. Shyla is so pretty and so well behaved. She is a stunning model. Hope you are feeling better

  3. Those Shylaouettes are most beautiful!

  4. The silloettes have a deffinite Halloween vibe!

  5. Gorgeous photographs. They look like paintings. Just beautiful.

  6. Those Aspen are gorgeous. As we don't have many deciduous trees, seeing lots of trees in colour is impressive.

  7. it#s great how much magic and colorful moments we have in fall, no wonder that this season inspired our ancestors to the bestest howl-i-days :o)

  8. Just beautiful. It's a shame the autumn leaves last such a short time!

  9. I love the gold. I was just enjoying it the other day when Sherman and I were walking in the woods. It was such a beautiful sea of gold and I knew it would be gone after the weekend.

  10. We always love your silhoulette photos!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  11. We love all the back ground colors in the back ground. Shyla is so beautiful.

  12. Beautiful! Love the color of changing leaves. We are having a fungus issue that is causing the leaves to not be brilliant this year. Rats!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  13. Here, it's been the longest season of foliage-retention I can recall! So far, no big wind storms, no very heavy rain. (Also, no October blizzards, thank goodness. I lost most of my young oaks in the last one.)
    Lots and lots of leaves have come down by now, but there are still lots and lots and lots on the trees. A big rain is predicted tomorrow, though, so I will try to get out in the woods with Piper after PT today and take a few snaps for the blog; it's been hard lately, but I've certainly been enjoying the colors right here at home :)


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