Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tough Time

It had turned into a rough week. My neck and all the radiating pain is pretty serious. I have a long (3 level) fusion of vertebrae in my neck which was done in a surgery in 2010. Now it seems that the disc just below the fusion has become even worse than it was before.

For now, it's daily physical therapy, lots of medicines, and taking it easy to try to make this pain go away without more surgery. My doctors fear that the next fusion is on the horizon. I had to cancel a trip to the desert because I'm in too much pain to go.

In the past two days, I rapidly went from feeling totally defeated to my normal fighting spirit. Because I love sunrise, I made sure that Shyla and I were outside to see it this morning. I cling to what I love at times like this.
I revel in watching her play, knowing that she's pain free!
She's an amazing dog - so athletic and yet so sensitive.
The Runner commented that each of our dogs has nursed me through a spinal surgery. Shyla's turn may be coming soon.
I am certain that she's ready for this new role. She is truly a wondrous spirit.


  1. I am so sorry this surgery is coming sooner than you would like. Sending you POTP that the pain will stay manageable for now.

  2. Yes, cling to what you love at times like this. And thank goodness for a companion like Shyla.

  3. We sure are sorry that you are in so much pain and we sure hope it eases soon.

  4. Everything is always better with a dog at your side. I have no doubt that Shyla will take the role and cherish it.

    Hope you feel better soon!

  5. Oh noes. I'm so sorry to hear this. I am keepin' my paws crossed that the meds and resting and PT will do the trick. Surgery sucks. Butts, if it does come to that, I am certain that Shyla will step up (or run up...☺) to the plate and see you through. Know we are all here too...I can't run with you (Ma says I got to take it easy..pffft!), butts I will be there in spirit! And a margarita! ☺
    Ruby ♥

  6. Hang in there and keep FIGHTING!

    Aroo to you,

  7. I'm so very sorry you have to live with such pain. It doesn't seem fair that someone with such a wonderful spirit has to suffer so. Thinking of you!

  8. We are so sorry for your pain and for a future surgery that may bring a long recovery time, but we are so happy that you have that very special girl to bring joy into your day despite the agonizing pain we know you bear. Hugs.

  9. I'm so sorry. My husband has 2 cervical vertebrae fused. We both appreciate your wonderful photos and magical beauty you share. we are pulling for you. For your pain to subside and your fighting spirit to stay strong.

  10. Oh KB, we all sure hope that you are feeling better soon. Surgery like that can be NO fun at all! That picture of you and Shyla is a true testament to the love and bond you share.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  11. we surely hope you will be feeling better and surgery a last resort. Your fighting spirit just amazes me what you continue to do through your pain
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  12. I'm so sorry about the neck, but I'm glad you have Shyla --- and the rest of your pack. Good luck!

  13. Hugs and heartfelt caring wishes for you, and knowing that Shyla will be there , what a true blessing. After being with Hugh through his pain for so long, have some idea of your trials. Let there be light at the end of your tunnel.

  14. We are sending lots of positive thoughts and POTP your way in hopes that your pain lessens!

  15. Draw strength from your wonderful family, the support of so many who truly care, and the ferocious environment that surrounds you. We send our strongest White Dog healing energies and ask the Universe to guide your doctor's insight and keep you pain manageable. Mostly, we wish you peace and a determined spirit.

  16. Bummer about the week and trip. Amazing what good medicine nature and dogs are....

  17. Shyla is so cute! I'm really sorry about your neck! I hope you get some relief soon!

  18. I thought about that when you mentioned surgery-how Shyla will be your companion and protector should you need surgery. I know she will keep your spirits high no matter what but I hope so much you can avoid surgery for a while longer. Sending lots of love and I hope the pain lessens a bit. xoxo

  19. We are sending you tons of AireZen and POTP, KB! You will make a wonderful nurse should your mom need surgery, Shyla.

  20. It's amazing what they can do for us. Harlow has gotten me through so much in her short life. I hope you feel better soon. What will they do to help you?

    Monty and Harlow

  21. Oh Dang, the idea of surgery can not be a fun one. I hope they can do what you need though, and you can be pain free.

  22. Boo on the pain. Yay on your fighting spirit and your ability to still enjoy what is going on around you! I think our dogs help us cope with things - physical and mental - a whole lot better!

  23. Glad your fighting spirit has returned...so sorry about you're pain. Shyla will surely help you through.

  24. Hi KB, So sorry you are seeing surgery on the horizon. I'm keeping you in my everyday prayers, hoping for an alleviation of the pain, pronto! I know your girl will be right by your side, whatever happens, as will we, your faraway friends.

    Love and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  25. We want you feeling better KB,,, Shyla and R will both help you- along with Runner.

  26. Oh, KB, I am catching up on a weeks-worth of blog reading and I'm sorry I didn't see this post sooner so I could at least send you a (very gentle) pat on the back and lots of good thoughts. I hope with all my heart that the pain lessens, and you can postpone surgery. And reschedule your desert trip. Meanwhile, good for you, making the effort to deliberately put yourself in situations and experiences that nurture you. And good for Shyla, your stalwart companion!


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