Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Ferocious Faces on Sunday

When Shyla and I arrived home from our sunrise outing today, the Duo was ready to play! We'd had a tremendously fun time outside at sunrise so I was surprised that Shyla wasn't tired. Here was Shyla's look as she and I played.

As soon as Shyla came through the door after our outing, the Labraduo started making mock growling and snarling noises, along with ferocious faces.

At the beginning, Shyla was the master of the terrifying faces.

And then R made a few himself.

And, then, as fast as the game had started, the Duo snoozed together.
It warms my heart to see our Labraduo play together so happily. I'm glad that they have such a strong and happy bond.


  1. That is amazing - great snaps! (Ha - I meant the pictures, but I bet there were some snapping sound effects as well!)

  2. Yikes! Even the cracker was shaking when he saw those jaws on the screen! Nice acting!

  3. WOW those are so serious growly faces. But I admit momma Oooo and awed at the sleepy faces.

  4. It is so nice they love to play together. And tire each other out :)

  5. Goodness, such nice sharp teeth you've got!

  6. Bitey face is a great game here too. Maybe the Duo was really wanting to let us see those beautiful white toofers!!! Hope you had a relaxing day with at least some abatement in your pain.

  7. I can't stop laughing. That was great.

    Aroo to you,

  8. I love how they can be crazy fierce one minute and cuddling the next.

  9. What fun captures and the last one of them snoozing together is precious!!

  10. Haha! I have never seen a Lab look quite so ferocious! (Well, Katie did, but I was on the other end of the lead, so I was... Occupied!)
    Thanks for sharing that story, KB, I love those kinds of stories.

  11. Oh My! those made us smile!
    Mr Bailey Hazel & Mabel

  12. Love the "bitey face" game! Thank you for the advice on Roxie. :)

  13. Amazing how those start so abruptly and then end so abruptly. Sweet dreams, Duo.

  14. Those faces looked so scary!!! Gosh,,, its amazing they were pretend faces,,,, and no seriousness in them! Those teeth! wow!

  15. That looks like a great game of bitey face :) Milo & Jet

  16. Shyla that's very impressing... can I copy that face today, when my mom offers me kibble lite again?

  17. We know two Dales that do those funny faces too - just not the snuggles together in the end. Great photos, you two!

  18. We just noticed what nice teeth you both have!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  19. We play that game and people think we're fighting!! BOL!

  20. Lots and lots of teeth! bol! Even when I know it is, it sure don't look like play. Looks scary! So glad you two are so close and still snuggle. :)

  21. What wonderful pictures of the duo in action...love their big pointy teeth :) But my favorite is of them napping all snuggled together...what an adorable pair they are! xoxo

  22. I love bitey face pics. These are great!


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