Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, November 16, 2015

Incoming Storm

Today was a gray and cold day, as a big snow storm moved into the area. I spent the day preparing for "the final snow" - the one that will stick around until spring. I think this is it. I froze my fingers as I planted my columbine seeds for the year. They will slumber under the snow until spring's sunshine stirs them. Planting them as "the final snow" starts to fall is an act of hope and optimism that I learned from my friend Barb at Live and Learn.

I also moved faraway trail cameras to more accessible places. Most are not yet in their final winter sites yet but they are where I can access them even if we get another foot of snow on top of the 8" that already sits on trails deep in the forest. One trail camera that I trudged to had taken a cool photo of a mule deer buck. This is the biggest antler rack that I've ever seen on a deer around here. I count 6 points on his left antler!
Public land hunting season ended yesterday evening but private property hunting continues through the end of January. It's not easy being a deer or elk around here.

Before the storm arrived, the weekend was gloriously sunny and warm. Shyla and I saw sunrise on both days. Incredible!

Shyla bowed down in thanks for the amazing weather - the calm and warmth before the storm.
After playing out in the open as the sun rose, we moved into the forest to enjoy the contrasts between the sun and the shadows. By the day, I can see the angle of the sun changing so that the bright shafts of sunrise light are in slightly different places. Before we know it, winter solstice will be here.

Shyla put on an incredible display of her athletic prowess. She didn't need to leap, but she did anyway!

We ended with a classic "third grade school photo". Shyla looks so serious that I burst out laughing.
Tomorrow will be interesting. I've seen predictions ranging from 6" to 16" of snow for us. No matter what, this truly feels like the start of winter. I am thankful for our warm home and the huge pile of firewood that will help warm us until springtime.


  1. Glad you enjoyed your last day without being buried in snow until spring. Looking forward to winter pictures

  2. We are getting some winds,, but no snow.
    But Mt Hood has snow!!
    We cannot wait to see how much snow you get!

  3. Yes, it is time for snow!! That is a lot you might be getting. We have not had any yet and it has been 60 degrees. Crazy!! Have a nice night!!

  4. Wow! That is one huge buck! I love the photo of Shyla jumping! She's so cute!

  5. I love your columbine tradition! I have seeds saved from columbines that I'm planning to scatter in a protected spot...now when I do it, I'll think of you and Shyla, out enjoying the trails in your earlier-than-here Winter.

  6. What a magnificent buck to catch on camera! We got some snow but not as much as they were expecting.
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  7. OMD, that Buck is amazin'!!! Good luck fella...I gots my paws crossed for you!!
    Shyla, you are a Rock Star gurl!!! I loves when your Moms takes photos of you leapin' and zoomin'! I hopes your MOms is feelin' betters today...sendin' lots of POTP and healin' vibes her way!
    Ruby ♥

  8. Many years ago we visited Alaska in September. Near the end of our trip we went up in a small plane to look at glaciers and stuff. The pilot kept saying, "last good day! this is the last good day!" those of you that have a real winter know when that day arrives. Your post today reminds me of that pilot...

  9. Hunker down, even down here it has been cool for November .Quick update, Hugh's cataract surgery went well. Off to bed, long day. Hugs to you.

  10. We can't wait to see pictures of your columbine coming up in the spring☺

  11. So, you've sowed your dreams for spring. We are cold and blustery today but only got 6". Bob is already out plowing and shoveling. No sunshine here - I love the light on Shyla.

  12. What wonderful golden shots of Shyla!! I also love the way the deer is gazing into your trail camera!

    Stay warm!

  13. That's an impressive deer, I hope he makes it out alive. Maybe you are getting the storm we have had. 5 inches of rain in 3 days. It never stops, and today it's pouring again.

  14. Oh deer! If we ever had that much snow here we would be closed until Spring!

  15. Oh pugness that is a lot of snow...I bet your labs love romping and playing in it....we puggies do.
    stella rose

  16. You captured some great shots of your sweet girl in this post. We have been hearing all about the big storm here on the news. My two would be thrilled to see some snow, especially we had a round of t-storms roll through last night that set off another seizure for poor Ciara (after having an uneventful weekend at the kennel() - very disappointing.

  17. It's wrong that I am huddled around my space heater because our high has been 60, but there you have it. I am glad you firewood to keep you warm! Snowy winters sounds fun - but I often wonder how long I would last.

  18. I heard snow was headed your way! Hope you all stay warm and dry for now! Love that last picture of Shyla and your caption!

  19. I am ready for some snow. We are supposed to have a chance for it Sunday. Stay warm!


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