Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, November 13, 2015

See Beautiful

Today is See Beautiful Day. My long-time readers know that I think that the glow of sunrise on my Shyla is one of the most beautiful things in the world. No moose charged us today so we were up at our lookout point for sunrise. Shyla still vigilantly watched out for anyone coming near us.
Then we played a little in the sunrise light, and Shyla tossed snow crystals in the air as she waved - another very simple thing that is beautiful!
Her flying leap toward me made me laugh out loud!
That was a glorious morning outing. We didn't see any moose but I saw fresh moose tracks meandering through our agility course next to our house. I wish I had a photo of the moose on the agility course! Some of you suggested that we could stay in our yard to play when moose are around. The problem is that we have no fences so moose can wander right up to our house. We'll have to try to be even more alert about where the moose are hanging out.

After our morning time outdoors, we came back home, where sun puddles dotted our floor. The Duo enjoyed them together.
That's one of the most beautiful sights in the world to me.


  1. Those are all beautiful but I loved the synchronized sleeping one the best.

  2. That Shyla sure is one beautiful soul. Don't tell momma but I think I have a crush on her.

  3. I do see beauty in your photographs. Sweet duo snoozing in the sun.

  4. Seeing Shyla's "glow" at sunrise always makes me smile... :-)

  5. We love seeing the closeness of the duo
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  6. I think Shyla and R-- are some of the most beautious I have seen too.. I love the glow on the two of them

  7. OMD, gurl, I don't thinks you could take a bad shot! I loves the sleepin' duo...I thinks I'll join you! ☺
    Ruby ♥
    pees: I missed the whole Moose encounter! Yikes! Nice job though! And, I hopes your darn pain eases...maybe a margarita?? ☺

  8. I'll take the snoozers for a beautiful shot. Makes me want to snuggle up to them both!

    Glad to hear the mooses were not after you today. They probably went home and told MrMoose what a close call they had yesterday!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Stella, Jo and Zkhat

  9. While all of your photos are award-worthy, I have to agree...the one with the two of them sleeping in the sun puddle...is just SO BEAUTIFUL! I also love how Shyla's coloring looks in the sunlight!

  10. The best friends sharing a sun puddle - just adorable. Would love to see moose playing on the agility course!!

  11. Such beautiful photos of the beautiful duo!

  12. We agree—thanks so much for sharing your beauty with us. We love the duo, too:-)

  13. We love the photo of the duo napping together♥

  14. Two beautiful pups laying in the sun after some fun. Not much better :)


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