Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Beauty and the Garbage

I love the place where we live. Its beauty stuns me still almost daily. This photo was of the mountains as the first sun rays touched them today.

The forests provide solitude and quiet.

The mountains are omnipresent. They tower over our world and make me smile almost daily.

But some people just don't get it. They buy their Starbucks and Whole Foods meal down in the city. They drive up here and rumble back through a 4WD forest road in their vehicle. Perhaps they notice the beauty or perhaps they are here for some other purpose, like target shooting. Then, they mindlessly leave the evidence of their privileged life behind on the forest floor.
I won't ever understand their lack of sensitivity to our environment.

So, after picking up the garbage left by "Evan" and others like him, I go gaze at the mountains to keep my happiness intact.
I cannot imagine seeing a magical sight like the sun setting over the mountains and then tossing garbage on the ground.


  1. It is beautiful. I forget sometimes how beautiful the world around us is. When I stop and really look it is amazing. And it is not cool that people leave their junk.

  2. It's a sad fact that so many people are so thoughtless. I try not to let it ruin my day but it makes me furious. Beautiful photographs.

  3. Beautiful! Some trashy humans, we never understood leaving garbage behind anywhere.

  4. Ignorant and rude - way too many of them around these days.

    Awesome photos - did you get snow?

  5. It is a terrible shame. No one named Evan should be allowed on a mountain

  6. Well, Evan is a dufushead!!! I always say that karma will come his way...
    anyhu, I sure am happy to see my favorite sights and you guy enjoyin' the mountains...
    Ruby ♥

  7. I think it's too bad that people leave their garbage in the forest! :( We used to find that all the time in the Sierra Nevada mountains when we went hiking there. People have no respect and it's sad.

  8. It is hard to understand the lack of respect for nature
    Mr Bailey Hazel & Mabel

  9. Hari om
    couldn't agree more! It defies logic. That sunset is a 'killer'... YAMxx

  10. Like our river. People always leave rubbish around it. Just disgusting.

  11. I sometimes wish I would find out the addy of peeps like Evan... then I would dump my garbage in front of their door too... wonder what they would say ...

  12. I totally agree! What on earth are they thinking? It drives me nuts. Your mountains are just spectacular. What a view!! Absolutely beautiful.

  13. People are lazy and just don't think. Your spot in the world is just gorgeous, KB!

  14. It is the ultimate in lazy that they can't carry the cup down. sigh!

  15. Such beauty! I'd say you are the one with the privileged life KB! Someone who would trash such a lovely place has an empty spot in their soul.

  16. I think people believe if something is biodegradable it makes it okay to leave it behind. I can't really explain it either and it makes me sad that anyone could look on such beauty and ruin it with litter. I know a couple of times going up a trail I've lost a Kleenex from my sweater pocket without realizing it and on the way back down I will see it, check my pocket and pick it up, shamefully realizing I was the offender.

  17. Drives me crazy! What is wrong with people. I sometimes like to think that littering isn't as bad as it was years ago. But then I see a bunch of trash that someone has dumped, and I want to slap them.

  18. I don't like to use the word hate - but I HATE litterbugs. Is it such a chore to take it with you and throw it in a trash container?

  19. Littering is one of my biggest pet peeves. It truly infuriates me!


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