Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, November 23, 2015

Truly Winter

When the snow in the forest does nothing but get deeper, you know it's truly winter. This photo was taken in a sun puddle on the forest floor. It's a spot that only sees the sun for a few minutes each day. It is truly winter...

When Shyla waves and there's snow stuck to the bottom of her paw, it's truly winter. She would like you to notice that she's waving with her left paw. She now knows cues for waving with either her left or her right paws!

When the sun shines with a deep reddish glow at sunrise, it is truly winter.
The low angle sun and the soft sunlight are my favorite parts of winter!


  1. Yes, that's Winter alright. I'd know it anywhere. Enjoy those sun puddles! Shyla is such a clever girl, and the colors in these pictures is extraordinary.
    Piper is going for her Autumn Bath at the groomer's tomorrow, while I simultaneously take her big beds to a laundramat (they don't fit in my washer) and try to get them all fresh and clean. This is a ritual I try to leave til it's cold enough that I think she will stay out of the boggy pond. Fingers crossed!

  2. We have not had any snow here and it is really crazy!! I am ok with it. The snow is beautiful and we will love it when it comes!!

  3. Such pretty photos but they sure made my whiskers shiver!

  4. Such beautiful shots today. Can you believe we had 63 degrees today and lots of warm sunshine?

  5. So much snow so early in the year. Seems that way anyway.

  6. yes... Shyla your showing us that it truly is winter!! Your sooo smart,, and your snow is beautiful! And so are you!

  7. I keep coming back to that first shot. To me it shows the beauty of dog.
    Truly winter indeed. It is getting rather hot here, like summer has already begun.

  8. I keep coming back to that first shot. To me it shows the beauty of dog.
    Truly winter indeed. It is getting rather hot here, like summer has already begun.

  9. Yup, looks like winter to us!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  10. WE are supposed to be 50 tomorrow but then the storm rolls in and single
    digit temps at night - yep winter is here too
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  11. Shyla looks so beautiful with the snow and sun.

    Anne and Ziggy

  12. Beautiful colours there, Shyla glows with the love of life in the snow.

  13. how great that you were there eggs-actly as the sun kissed that place :o)

  14. Gorgeous photos! Wavin' right back atcha, Shyla ☺

  15. OMD I love the high paw photo.

    Aroo to you,

  16. Pretty pictures in the snow but we're still not looking forward to it arriving here. Got to make the most of it though and enjoy it.

  17. We think someone loves the snow
    Lily & Edward


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