Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Windy Wordless Wednesday

Stillness at Sunrise

Then the wild wind hit us

The wind sent Shyla's ears a'flapping

If I wish really hard, can I stop the wind?


  1. It was so windy here today, I don't think Cocoa liked the wind. Looks like you had a nice walk/run today!!

  2. :o) Bet you could fly away if you tried! BOL

    PeeS...You have snow on your nose, Shyla!

  3. We hope you got your wish, Shyla. And please blow Ciara and Lightning some of that snow on your snooter (jist a little:)

  4. Oh how I miss the wind!!! (Did I make you giggle?) xo

  5. I love the little bit of snow on her nose! So cute!

  6. You look like you were flying.

    Aroo to you,

  7. Great pics, as always! I wanted to try to get some good pics of Rita's ears the other day. It was crazy windy here too. I'm not sure about our neighborhood, but I know the news said the wind was 30 - 50 mph. Blew over a huge potted plant we have!

  8. The wind here blowed Mr Bailey over when he was trying to potty!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

    Pee es
    the prednisone really seems to help Hazel feel better, wish it did the same for you. She had her first dose of the new med tonight.

  9. I am glad the wind did not blow you away Shyla!

  10. We hope that wishing helped the wind go away, Shyla!

  11. It's interesting that you mention wind today as it is so windy out right now, I can barely hear the radio! Love these pics of Shyla! The little tiny bit of snow on her nose is so cute!

  12. The wind can be such a nuisance sometimes. We love the snow smudge on your nose, Shyla☺

  13. I'm sure you can... just close your eyes for a second, say a magic spell and VIOLA the wind is gone with the wind... I mean in theory :o)


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