Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, December 11, 2015

A Desert Storm

Back to the desert, although I'm still buzzing with excitement about the bear den!!! Just so you know, I have to go to the den to check the trail cameras' memory cards, and I'll do that only about once per month to avoid upsetting the bear. So, there won't be an update on the den for a little while.

In late November, there's a spot along the Colorado River in the red rock desert where I love to get sunset photos. When the sun is low in the sky, I love to get Shyla glowing against the gorgeous red towers behind her. Here's one of the photos from our visit to that spot last year in November.

This year, the day we went looked really promising. Just before we left our campsite to go to the towers, the sun was shining and the sky was blue. It seemed to be a perfect day for it.

However, as we took the short drive to the spot, a wicked weather front moved in, engulfing the entire landscape in low and thick clouds. This was the brightest photo that I took of Shyla when there was still a shimmer of light on the western horizon.

At the same time, the Runner noticed a climber on top of one of the towers. By the time I captured a photo, he'd descended a little bit. He's in orange pants to the right of the photo. He was very high.

We didn't see him again because the clouds took the visibility down to almost zero right after that. However, we also didn't hear of any reports of lost climbers so he probably got down okay. I hope so.

We were literally in the clouds. It was mystical but it wasn't what I'd expected or hoped for!

We could still see a butte with a snowy slope behind it early in the cloud invasion.

The Runner and R had been hiking while Shyla and I did our "photography thing". They beat a hasty retreat as the weather moved in. They look tiny below those towers.

I squeezed in a couple more photos before they arrived at our spot so that we could all return to the LabMobile. I was mesmerized by the sudden transformation in the world.

Indeed, the towers soon disappeared completely from view. This was the last peek of them.

As the four of us hiked the quarter mile to our LabMobile, the snow started to fly.

It was one of those evenings that we felt so lucky to have our warm LabMobile. We cranked up the heater and wrapped ourselves in sleeping bags. We were toasty as a snowstorm raged outside our LabMobile.
We awakened to a world that looked utterly different from the day before. The red rock desert was snow covered! I'll save that for the next post.


  1. While you may not have gotten the sunset pictures you had hoped/planned on, I think these shots are every bit as interesting and more unique. Can't wait to see the snowy ones!

  2. just amazing how everything can change so quickly. They really are beautiful photos of some stunning rock formations and a beautiful Shyla
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

    we hope your pain is subsiding - your posts have a more positive vibe to them

  3. I love your pictures of that changing landscape! And Shyla looks mighty cozy in her sleeping bag :)

  4. Those beautiful photos just made our day!

  5. Amazing how quickly the weather can change. So glad you were prepared and stayed warm.

  6. your pictures always seem to help take the days anxiety away from my mom, they are so beautiful. stellie rose

  7. Your pictures always make me smile and be in awe of our beautiful world!!

  8. What an amazing experience. Thank you for sharing it with us. Orange is certainly Shyla's color!!

  9. I have really enjoyed your last two posts. I'm excited to see what happens with the bear den -- But YIKES about being so close! I'm also loving your "mystical" photos for this post and reading about your latest adventure. I remember winter camping, and there's nothing like being safe, warm and snug in a sleeping bag.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  10. WOW! Those are amazing photos. Can't wait to see a snow covered desert.

  11. I'm glad you made it to the Labmobile without problems :o) your photos are artpieces, I had to look twice at # 8451, the stone on the right looks like a King watching over his kingdom :o)

  12. I love how the desert can change so quickly! Pretty cool photos!!! That climber looked so tiny up there, hope he made it out too.

  13. What incredible photos - just beautiful, KB!

  14. So beautiful!! If I may ask - where was that? I am looking for someplace to go for spring break to shoot some photos and ride my mountain bike. Thanks!

  15. It's amazing how fast storms roll in and out of that area. I do like the red rock with snow though. So different.

  16. Once again, beautiful photos! Those climbers are amazing!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. Wow,, wow,, wow,,,the photos are like 3 D,,,,, with the fog and different layers,, and blending together.
    Beautiful.. and beautiful Shyla

  18. Something so magical about storms in the red rock, no matter the availability of sunlight. This is such an incredible place, and you've captured the beauty so well!

  19. What an amazing experience! I would be terrified but thrilled to be inside the van during a snowstorm.


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