Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, December 4, 2015

Desert Sunsets

In the red rock desert, the high canyon walls determine how long you have sunlight at your campsite each day.
At our first campsite, the sun set behind the western canyon wall about about 3:30PM. After we figured out how early our campsite became chilly, we started doing a hike up to a higher point after our campsite's sunset.

That high point is beautiful. It has a gorgeous red rock wall that reflects the setting sun.

It has rays of warm sunshine all the way until the published sunset time (which was around 5PM).
So, of course, the Duo had their photos taken in the soft sunlight by the pupperazzi.

R discovered that another dog replied a second later to every sound he made. Of course, R had to answer that other dog. And, on and on it went as R talked with himself - the delights of canyon walls that echo!

After the sun had set, we could view the colorful clouds from that high spot. The first evening had a nice one!

And we watched as it faded toward dusk.
We had to walk back to camp in the dark, using headlamps to lead the way. The sunset hikes were a great way to make the most of each day's light. As you'll see in a future post, we had a spectacular hike up there on our last night at our campsite!


  1. Echoes, red rocks, spectacular skies, beautiful for you all.

  2. Sigh, it is so beautiful. It almost makes me want to camp!

  3. Such a beautiful place. The red rocks are amazing.

  4. This is my favorite time of year in the desert. Oh, except for spring...and well, winter :-)

  5. Yes, you need to grab every little bit of sunshine this time of year. Oh how I love the image of R and the echo.

  6. So pretty! I want to explore the desert one day.

  7. Every time we visit you mange to wow us even more with your spectacular phtos! Love seeing the pups in that light. It must have been so fun to listen to R and his replies to the "other" dog:)


  8. Prince Arrr probably enjoyed his conversation with "other dog" since they must have agreed on most everything.

    Dazzling pictures, the colors are unbelieveable!

    Jo, Stella and the Zkhat

  9. your photos are gems... I would love them as wall posters or in a calendar :o)

  10. It's always great to visit your blog because of all the beautiful photos you take! :)

  11. Beautiful...nice to get some sun before winter sets in huh?

  12. Those are beautiful pictures. Thank you for taking us on your adventures

  13. We felt like we were right there!!! And we could hear R and the echos!
    Thank you!

  14. Absolutely gorgeous! You are so silly, R☺

  15. So funny and sweet about R and the echo! :)


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