Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas!

One December day a few months after I met Shyla, it snowed as the sun rose in the eastern sky, making a beautiful sight with sunlit Shyla in the middle.

On the same boulder, at sunrise today... We had the sunlight but no snow. I am so happy that I opened my heart up again after K's death and grew an incredible love for Shyla.
Merry Christmas!


  1. Merry Christmas. Thank you for sharing so much beauty with us.

  2. You are the bestest, Shyla! Merry Christmas to you and Shyla and R and the Runner, KB!

  3. Your heart is so full of love, but made room for more. Memories bittersweet, but Shyla shows how love can bloom again. Your darling K will always be in our hearts, but room there for Shyla too. Merry Christmas, -5Celsius, according to Santa Google today. Hope the sun shines for you all.

  4. Merry Christmas! I hope you and your family are having a wonderful day! <3

  5. Merry Christmas from all of us sweet friends!

  6. Hope you are having an extraordinary Christmas! Thanks so much for your incredible photos and thoughtful discussions throughout the year—we so look forward to your posts!

  7. What beautiful photos! We hope you had a great Christmas!

  8. Happy Christmas and Merry Holidays to you and your whole family :)

  9. Nothing can open a heart like a dog!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  10. Dogs have amazing powers of healing!
    We hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
    KZK - with Cam and Mags

  11. Life is very busy here right now, but we didn't want to miss the chance to wish you and the Runner a very Marry Christmas - we hope you all had a nice day. Christmas is all about family and love. Thanks for sharing with us the loving bond between you and Shyla.

  12. Thank you Shyla for coming into all of our lives,, and helping our hearts to heal. Thank you for listening to Angel K,,, and being a friend to all of us., and learning all that she taught you to be.

  13. I hope you had a joyous Christmas! It was hectic here and with all the family around I didn't wish to excuse myself to be on the computer, so I'm playing catchup now :) Happy New Year to you, the Runner, and Shyla and R!

  14. We are very happy about that too, KB :)


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