Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Snow Day!!!

The forecasts gave me little clue that we might wake up to about a foot of fresh powder. But we did! Shyla was ecstatic.

Everything was closed, including major roads and all schools and universities. Snow Day!

I was on my fat bike and Shyla was on her paws. She was faster than I was - but we both had fun!!

Snowbiking through a foot of fresh snow is really hard work and takes skill that is only gained by experience. I don't hesitate to take lots of breaks to play with Shyla when we have a powder day. 

Shyla is still in that sweet part of life where her body can keep running and playing forever. She's our seventh Lab so life experience has taught me to seize these days and appreciate her incredible stamina and playfulness.

Despite it being very cold, we both had fun in the forest today. I love fat biking with Shyla because "play breaks" help me to pace myself as I start the process of packing down trails that we'll be using over the coming weeks. With this much new snow, I will incrementally pack down a little more trail each day.
Thank goodness, the migraine is gone today. Thank you for your kind comments. However, the neck, which had been improving at a snail's pace, took a step backward. That's life. I'll focus on the fun rather than the pain.


  1. I love your snowy photos of Shyla so much! You can see how much fun she's having! I hope you feel better soon!

  2. Shyla just loves that beautiful snow! And your bike riding in the snow just amazes us!
    So glad your migraine was gone today.

  3. That seems like it would be really hard to bike in the snow, even with those snow tires!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  4. We think there is some Siberian in Shyla:) If let these two see your photos, they will be beating a path to your door in no time:)

  5. Shyla looks like one happy girl! Glad you had such a good snow day.

  6. i am glad you are feeling better migraines are no fun at all, we love seeing that girl of yours having so much fun in the snow, we would get lost out there with our short legs, we like the tires on that bike.
    stella rose

  7. What a fun snow day!!! Hope the neck improves, I just love your positive outlook!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  8. What gorgeous pictures! Good luck with your neck pain. I hope you get some relief, and like everyone I admire your attitude so much.

  9. We can see how much fun Shyla is having! It's truly a snowy wonderland.

  10. Enjoy that powder, KB and Shyla! You two sure do know how to have fun :)
    I have a medical appointment this afternoon. which means I have to turn my attitude 180 degrees and focus on the negative. Took me years to understand what my doctors need to hear. I'll do it, but then it's extra hard to focus on the good for the first few days afterward. Piper will help with that, though!

  11. you look like a polar bear Shyla :o) I bet it is fun to ride a bike through the snow... but I'm not sure if I'm brave enough for that after the crash I had many moons ago with the christmas-bike what I had to ride immediately through our siberian back yard :o)

  12. Glad you are feeling a bit better. We have 0 snow still. Enjoy yours!

  13. It is SO cold in Breckenridge. Shyla's paws would freeze! (My face almost did yesterday...) I love seeing her bounding through the snow. We are busy trying to break trail on the cross country skis. Actually, Bob breaks and I glide behind him.)

  14. Playing with a dog (or a few in our case!) is the best thing about a snow day! Their boundless enthusiasm makes it all better.

  15. Shyla looks like she is having a blast.

  16. We don't have long enough legs for all the snow we got! Glad that Shyla loves the snow
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  17. Lucky, lucky you, Shyla! How we wish we would get dumped on here!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  18. I love seeing Shyla (and you via the bike photo) play. I so wish we would get snow this year. Right now, it's raining again. I could complain about that but instead I'll just enjoy your snow photos and that the two of you were able to get out and enjoy it.

  19. Heart-warming, spirit-raising pictures! I hope your pain goes away. Like everyone else, I admire your attitude and perseverance.


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