Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, January 2, 2016

A New World - Seven Years of Blogging Later

We were out at sunrise this morning but it was a somewhat more exciting morning than usual. I loved seeing the first sign of the sun, burning through the trees near us.

Almost daily recently, we've been seeing a female moose, who has no calf, near our house. Based on her slightly lanky build, I'm guessing that she's a yearling. It's my first experience with a cow moose who doesn't have a calf to protect. I'm relieved that she runs from people rather than charging them!

This morning, I was photographing Shyla, enjoying the quiet and the light. We'd seen no moose on our way up to this spot.

It was, for the first time in a while, warm enough that we were both comfy. Shyla was even happy to lie in the snow.

A little bit later, we were playing some training games when Shyla's stare at something behind me became intense.

Because Shyla is overly sensitive, I don't always look to see what has caught her attention. I usually see nothing when I look over my shoulder. But, then, she raised her head with serious intensity.

That intensity led me to look over my shoulder. I saw our lone cow moose galloping through the snow behind me. She didn't even glance in our direction although she was quite close to us - I don't think she even saw us. Shyla remained still and silent, thank goodness.
I've never seen a moose just barrel right past us and out of sight - so it was a first. After snapping one photo of the moose, I went back to training Shyla. Then, almost immediately, the reason for the moose's flight appeared - a human with a pack of off-leash dogs. When I saw them, I felt lucky that the moose hadn't turned her anger on us. I've read about that happening to innocent bystanders.

The dog pack and their human turned around when I yelled about the moose to them, and everyone remained unscathed. Shyla and I went back to our training/playing.
It's a whole new world with moose sharing our forest (indeed we saw the same moose again this afternoon). Back when I started this blog, exactly seven years ago, it never even crossed my mind that we might have moose sharing our forest in the near future. A moose was occasionally sighted up closer to the Divide but never on our trail system.

I am amazed that I've been blogging for 7 years. I continue to love doing it so I see no reason to stop. It's been the impetus for learning about photography, which I've come to love. And I enjoy meeting all the people and their pets who visit my blog. It's a wonderful community! Thanks for a great 7 years!


  1. Oh wow! Thank goodness the moose ran past you and not at you.. That is so scary!

    Happy Blog Anniversary!

  2. Congratulations on 7 years of blogging, that is awesome.
    Hope the moose remains passive.

  3. Glad Shyla knows how to react so no one was in danger

  4. IT takes your breath away when one of those creatures run. Especially if you are anywhere near them. They can turn on a dime and change direction on a whim. Even though I see it often, it still terrifies a part of my soul. You wouldn't have a chance if they decided to follow through. Now I not only have to worry about a mountain lion, bear, or wolf to spot you guys, now I have to worry about a moose too. Of course I am a life time subscriber to your written and photographed blog. How could I miss any of the excitement. BUT BE SAFE.....

  5. Good think Shyla let you know the moose was there. I'm glad you are blogging too so I can enjoy your amazing wilderness and dogs from afar.

  6. Congrats on your blogaversary!!! We haven't been visiting for seven years but we have enjoyed every visit we have made - we look forward to many more.

    It is so wonderful that you and Shyla are so in tune with each other that you knew exactly how to read her signals.

  7. Congrats on your Blogiversary! In March, it will be eight years for me...and I never thought it would last...but I love it! So glad that I have found your blog. I am very glad that Shyla spotted that Moose...I think they could be quite dangerous!

  8. What a GOOD DOG you are, Shyla!!


  9. Congrats on 7 years! That's amazing! Those moose would seriously scare me. Glad this one wasn't aggressive!

  10. Congrats on 7 years of blogging! The back view of a moose is probably the best view when you're out and about.

  11. Congrats on 7 years! I'll be hitting that same milestone on June 1st. I hope I remember when the time comes!

    Glad blogging got you into photography. You are a natural, for sure!

  12. And to celebrate 7 years, a moose. Superb pics as always. Down here drizzle, and a lot colder down south , I hear the first fire for 2016 has been lit, inside in the fireplace!!!

  13. What a great way to start the year: preventing the likelihood of some sort of horrible mayhem! SO glad you were there to turn that pack around, KB!
    By the way, the pictures of Shyla alerting to the moose are great. And excellent work on Shyla's part, remaining quiet and still! what a girl :)
    Happy Blogiversary, and thank you for sharing your world!

  14. That was some moose encounter and Shyla sure was good! Happy Blogoversary!!! We totally love visiting your blog.

  15. Happy blogiversary! I LOVE early morning/sunrise photos, and yours are always gorgeous.

  16. Congrats on 7 years, it's your lucky year. I love visiting here, and I'm glad we connected through the blog world.

  17. What a wonderful accomplishment!! Congratulation on seven years!

  18. Did you see the video on FB about the moose flying through the snow? I think Michelle posted it. Happy blogiversary!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  19. Congratulations on the 7 years. We've certainly enjoyed that portion of it we have shared with you. Moose are nothing to be messed with. I did a bit of flying during a vacation (rented a plane) up in Alaska Northwest of Fairbanks and I would rather have run across a Grizzly than a Mama Moose with a Baby.

    Great photos.


  20. Happy Blogversary! I've learned so much from you and have enjoyed your wildlife photos tremendously. Keep blogging! We are seeing a lot of moose tracks in our yard and crossing our trials, but I haven't seen any of the moose for over a month.

  21. Wow... 7 years? Congrats. I'v been blogging 5 years now but it sure doesn't seem that long. Even though I don't get time to visit many blogs these days, I'm always thinking of you and your adventures :)

  22. This story reminds me of the time a moose came barreling through our campsite in Denali National Park. Seconds later a silent grizzly gracefully ran through after the terrified moose.

    I love your blog, it puts me in a place I don't know if I will ever get to visit. Thank you.

  23. Congrats on 7 years of blogging! I began reading from the beginning a while back, and loved to see the early days and noticed how your blog style has changed - but haven't caught up yet! Lucky I'm following the present too!

  24. Happy blogoversary! We love seeing your gawjuss pictures and hearing about Shyla's amazing progress!

  25. Congratulations on your 7 years,, of beautiful blogging!


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