Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Beauty and Smiles!

In exposed areas of our world, hoar frost had formed on plants and trees during a minor snowstorm last night. I loved looking closely at the tiny spikes of frost formed on dried plants in the meadow.

And, I gazed at some pine trees with a touch of frost covering them.

The world was beautiful today, after the sun finally burned through. But the highlight of my morning was watching Shyla's crazy enthusiasm when I tossed treats to her.
Thanks for making me smile every single day, Shyla!


  1. Lots of wonderful pictures but none better than Shyla's eyes

  2. Shyla you are a mad-woman! It was so pretty here this AM, too - low clouds on the mountains and a bit of icy fog to ski through before the blue skies and sunshine.

  3. You always make all of us smile beautiful Shyla!

  4. The frost is so beautiful and I love Shyla's enthusiasm! :D She makes me smile, too! <3

  5. Frost and ice always look so beautiful on trees and bushes
    Lily & Edward

  6. Shyla, you made us smile too! Just look at those wildeyes!
    And we love looking at the hoarfrost too, and your beautiful pine trèes, and the bluest sky's ever!

  7. OMD...What a wonderful capture of Shyla! The look on her face is priceless (and made me giggle)!

  8. Crazed for treats:) Such a beautiful world!!! We had about an hour of misty rain today followed by less than 1/2 inch of snow, but it sure looks pretty out there.

  9. I love those crazy eyes, Shyla!!


  10. That photo is epic. I cannot stop giggling at it. Perfect timing!

  11. OMG-Shyla's picture made me laugh so hard! Look at that happy crazy girl :) Thanks for the giggle!

  12. You make us smile too, Shyla☺

  13. Hailey makes crazy eyes with some treats too, I love it!

  14. Shyla that photo should be used for a wall poster... we all would start every day with a smile :o)

  15. Hey, we have more snow that you. Mom says that is NOT right!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  16. Hehe. Thanks for sharing some Shyla with us! :)


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