Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, January 4, 2016

Labraduo Time!

You all know our Labraduo. Although R is the elder (8 yrs old) and Shyla is his little sister (4 yrs old), most people now guess the opposite due to Shyla's gray muzzle. I think that all the fear she felt as a young dog has come out as gray muzzle fur. That makes her muzzle a gray badge of courage!

These two adore each other... and I love the occasions when I can photograph them together.

When they can, they cut loose and play! At times like these, R completely forgets his bad elbow. We humans cringe but then smile. We want him to live and have as much fun as possible.

Look at those teeth!

I, with some wonderful and generous help, have been researching the surgery for R's elbow. The odds say that it will make him much better. The hard part is finding a surgeon. We are seeing one next week and hoping that he can convince us that he's up to the task of doing this surgery. There is a chance that we'll have to travel with R to an awesome surgeon. It's all still up in the air.

Meanwhile, R just wants to have fun!
We love our amazing black dog!


  1. They are too cute! I hope that surgeon works out for R!

  2. We know you will find the best surgeon for R. You two are just magical together!

  3. They sure look ferocious! LOL!

  4. I hope he is able to get the surgery!! I love the running and teeth pictures!!

  5. You are such a great parent, we know you will find the right doc for R. We loved that picture of them together, gussie who is almost 3 is grey in his muzzle also. I am also but i am older than gus so we are not really sure why he is getting so gray, maybe it is where he came from as a tiny boy.
    stella rose

  6. It is easy to tell from your photos how much Shyla and R love to be together. We know that you will find the best possible surgeon for R's surgery. Hope you too are continuing to heal.

  7. Just have fun! We never even noticed Shyla's muzzle. We're usually zoned on her beautiful eyes.

  8. They look like the best of friends! I hope you can find a great surgeon for R!

  9. Let them have fun, and to find a surgeon, we had to travel over 2 hours for Hugh, but so worthwhile afterwards. He looks so happy and painfree, you wouldn't guess anything was amiss at all. Beautiful together.

  10. They are both great and I love seeing them playing and enjoying each other.

    Aroo to you,

  11. I would love to read a caption from Mrs. Wild Dingo under that photo where it looks like Shyla is whispering in R's ear and he's smiling!! I love seeing the duo together...

  12. Wow, I didn't realise Shyla has a grey muzzle! Well, I'd noticed a touch, but it's not visible in the very red light of the desert or sunrise. Well, every dog is unique :)

    And I love the photo of R at the end - he's catching a biscuit, isn't he? You have such skill at capturing moments, KB!

  13. Gotta love best pals at play. Makes me smile.

  14. It's so hard to find the right surgeon for your pets. One of our Springers had an ACL repair and we did our homework before we trusted just the right person.

  15. That last picture of R is just awesome!!! What a wonderful duo you have!!

  16. Shyla just has more sugar. They are so cute together.

  17. They are wonderful together! Paws crossed that you find the right surgeon
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  18. We see lots of fun in these photos!

  19. So much joy! The snarly faces make me laugh, especially when I think of the snoozing-together pictures you sometimes post.
    Good luck with your search for the right surgeon. I hope this one is a star.
    Oh, and excellent catch, R :)

  20. You are a beautiful girl - grey muzzle and all, Shyla! We have no doubt that R will get the very best. We love seeing pictures of the Duo together♥

  21. What amazing photos! It's so hard to capture all that motion without blurring. The last picture is especially impressive - the lighting and the funny expression on R! I'll be thinking of him and his surgery and hoping the surgeon is qualified to fix him up.

  22. Wonderful photos! You even caught both of them with tongues out!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  23. I'm 7 and have a lots of gray. We think it looks cool
    Edward (& Lily)


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