Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, January 8, 2016

See Beautiful - A Snow Day!

I find that seeing the beauty in the world around me is a choice. I can wake up and say "ugh, it's snowing" or I can notice how the new snow renders the world fluffy white, which is beautiful! I sometimes need help remembering to see beautiful, and Shyla plays that role perfectly.

As we started our fat bike ride this morning, The snow was falling in big fat perfect snowflakes! I captured a few perfect flakes stuck to an old leaf and a branch.

The snow was so light and powdery that it barely slowed me down. It definitely didn't slow Shyla! She has the "See Beautiful" state of mind every day!

She even mustered the confidence to sit next to my beloved Meriwether fat bike for a photo. However, you can probably tell from her posture that she was ready to flee at the slightest provocation. She trusts my Meriwether when I'm on it but not when it's propped by itself.

As we climbed up higher toward Hug Hill, the snow got deeper. We stopped to play for a bit, and Shyla bounded up and out of the deep snow like a porpoise jumping out of the ocean.

We had so much fun! I giggled, and Shyla played like a puppy.

And now Shyla is snuggled into a warm bed, having sweet dreams while I write this post next to a cozy fire.
Seeing beautiful is a choice... and I sometimes forget that important lesson when I let the darkness pull me downward. Since Shyla has learned to cope with most of her fears, she naturally seizes each day and finds the beautiful fun in it. If we could all live more like our dogs, I think we'd be even happier!


  1. Seeing beautiful is most definitely a choice!! Those snowflakes are beautiful as is your sweet Shyla!!

  2. That is beautiful (and more so cuz it is at your house)!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  3. We just love seeing you have so much fun in the snow beautiful Shyla! We don't want any snow but we enjoy yours!!!

  4. We agree!! We'd also probably walk more!!


  5. Such a lovely reminder of the beauty that surrounds us!

  6. I don't seem to be appreciating my snow here in Utah as much as I had expected I would. I think it is because after the surgery it is taking me a while to heal and my body doesn't like being cold as much as it usually does.

    so your pictures today made me cold. well my body is cold but it warmed my heart to see them.

    So I guess it worked out for the best.

    Thanks for a wonderful See Beautiful post.

  7. I have never seen snow photographed so beautifully

  8. Fat tyres, and those snowflakes, this is the first photo I have seen where they show the patterns. Truly stunning.

  9. Same as seeing the cup half full or half empty. This old lady isn't so fond of snow any more, but it sure is pretty to see in your photos. Ciara and Lightning would see nothing but beauty:)

  10. No doubt whatsoever that if we would learn to live like our dogs we would indeed be so much happier. No creature has more fun or can better relax than a dog. They wake up every morning expecting it to be a good day. And it almost always is. Loved the beautiful photographs.

  11. Bet ya know what I'm going to say...... BEAUTIFUL! Momma really loved the up close snow photos.

  12. I love that Shyla trusts the bike only when you're on it! The ski area reported 5" this Am, but they must have found a drift somewhere - only a dusting at our house right by the area. What camera are you using now? I love the pics and snowflake closeups.

  13. That last photo of Shyla is soo sweet. love the snowflake photos
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  14. Snow is beautiful..and fun to be in. You just have to put that muddy slush time on the back burner and enjoy the fluffy whiteness.

  15. It is so beautiful there! Fresh snow and the big fluffy flakes are my favorite! Shyla looks likes she's having a blast! :D

  16. The snowflakes are just incredible! You are such a fun and beautiful girl, Shyla♥

  17. Looks like the perfect snowfall. I love when the flakes are like that. Our beautiful snow is going to turn to slush and it is going to be warm enough to pour rain the next two days.

  18. that's sure beautiful! ... and I like your white beard... you look a little like santa lol

  19. Jaw-dropping photos of the snowflakes. To capture detail like that…well, KB, do you post on the National Geographic YourShot page? You really should be doing that with your exceptional nature photography.
    Finishing your snowy play with a snooze by the fire sounds like heaven!

  20. I never miss the beauty on a snow day! They are too rare in my area and must be savored!

    That's interesting that Shyla is wary of your bike without you on it. I would think she sees it without you onboard so much that she wouldn't even notice it.

  21. Shyla is so fun to see in the snow. You can tell she loves it.

  22. Oh Shyla,,, Those powdery snow flakes on you are soooo beautiful!
    And they look like happy snowflakes too!! Happy like you!
    I see beautiful in your world! I see joy!
    Thank you Shyla for showing us how to seize the day!!
    I love your beautiful photos,,!! I love you!

  23. We are jealous of your snow. We still don't have any on the ground. Shyla sure was having a great time playing in all that snow.


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