Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Update and Fiery Sunset

The good news is that R is probably a candidate for CUE surgery although his elbow is in very bad shape. The main decision is whether to go straight to the CUE surgery or to do an exploratory (and bone fragment removal) surgery first. I'll write more after I have time to process all the information in my brain. One more note - the expert from the east coast who invented the CUE surgery may fly out to help on R's case. That would be great!

Last evening, I was already stewing about R as we walked out of our clearing toward higher ground (with the dogs on leash). We ran into this very protective Mama Moose. It took a long time to find a way out of our clearing that didn't make her look angry at us - she seemed to be shadowing us for a while. She scares me.

I was glad we made it up higher. The sunset was fiery and glorious.

And Shyla looked beautiful, atop Coyote Rock.

I think the Mama Moose and her calf are still nearby, and it's time for a dog walk. Wish me luck!

Thanks for all the good wishes yesterday. They made such a big difference in my mood, changing it from mainly worried to hopeful. Now I'm hopeful although I wish the optimal route to reducing R's pain were completely obvious, and it's not!


  1. Always a new decision to make and not always a clear one. I know you and the Runner weigh all the options and understand the science. I'll be thinking of you. Moose Mamas are so protective. I keep remembering how fast the one in our yard charged the neighbor's dog a few years ago. It was scary! Be careful!

  2. So glad to hear about R. I was thinking about you on my drive home. I listen to many podcasts on my long commute and one is called the One You Feed. I am not finished this weeks episode but Toni Bernhard was the guest. She was written a couple books about living with chronic pain sickness (which is something she suffers from). They sounded like they may have some suggestions (if you are not familiar with her). I will finish the podcast tomorrow (but not until I have listened to the new episode of Serial!).

  3. Thanks for sharing your usual stunning photos—Shyla's sunset photo is just breathtaking. Will need to read your recent post on R—we're sending all our best thoughts for you both!


  4. We know the time and research you have put into this decision will be the right one for R.
    Blessing for a positive outcome.
    xo Cinnamon

  5. At least the major concern is over and R would be a candidate for whichever procedure you decide to go with.

    The moose does not look happy with you at all. And a mad mother moose is a scary thing indeed.

  6. Thank would be wonderful if the surgeon flew in! Fingers crossed!

  7. We hope you can get the help from that East Coast doctor as we knew it would certainly add a lot to your comfort level with the surgery. Glad to hear at least the initial good news. Do be careful on that walk - don't go too far.

  8. Sending prayers to you that you have peace in making your decision. I am glad you are going to be able to get the surgery.

  9. That would be so amazing and excellent if the inventing Doctor came and did the surgery personally. Wow, first class service for R!!

    We're a little scared of your Moose too. When you're out walking, do you carry bear spray on you and would it work on the moose? We would love to know more about your preventive measures while in the forest. Of course, we know the first thing is respect.....

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  10. We have been thinking about dear R all day. Thanks so much for the update. Moose Alert fur sure!!!

  11. Great news! Glad he is a candidate for the surgery.

    I'm still amazed that you see a mama moose on your daily walks. Though she does look a bit scary!

  12. I hope they figure out what to do with R's elbow soon and that he gets some relief from his pain! Those moose, even though they are scary, they are beautiful!

    I love the Shyla sunset! <3

  13. Your female moose are pretty persnickety. I think they should mellow a bit but then, it is, to them, a matter of being on the top of the food chain for survival.

    Your area has a lot more wildlife that would cause them to be very cautious. Your Bears, Mountain lions, wolves.

    Things here make living a lot less stressful for the moose. All they really have to worry about are the "Human" factor......

    Love love love the sunset photos.....and have been keeping sweet R in our prayers and thoughts. How great would it be to have the main man there.........

  14. That's great news about R!

    Those moose would scare me, too.

  15. You're a good mama too.

    Aroo to you,

  16. Wow, those skies! And that's awesome news for R.

  17. Another glorious sunset and decisions. I know with Hugh's surgery looming, we had lots of doubts, were we makiing the right choice? And to think a surgeon will fly over to be there, maybe it is all meant to be. Hang in there, you will soon know what is to be. Hugs from a sunny, hot, hot day here in NZ.( p.s. too hot to sew, that says it all!!)

  18. I say just go for it!! Sending hugs :-) Oh, and rottie kisses. Sorry Otto...

  19. Will be thinking of R and knowing you will make wise decisions! That Mam is beautiful but also scary-hope she's moved on.

  20. Crikey .. that sunset!!!! WOW!!!!!!! so beautiful. AND that Mumma Moose!!! She's beautiful too but she looks as if she could be mean. We are keeping our fingers and toes crossed for R. It's sounding quite positive now though. I'm sure you will make the right decision.

  21. Thank you for updating us on R. I haven't been commenting much but I have kept up with reading your blog and continue to pray for R and you as you go through this.

  22. We are hopeful for R too,,!! How we want him to feel better!
    Gorgeous mama moose,,,, we would be scared too!.
    You have the most beautiful sun rises and sunsets that we ever did see,, and Shyla is so beautiful!

  23. Praying for a good result for R and for you to steer clear of that Moose

  24. OMD, loves loves loves all the photos..again! BOL I gots my paws crossed REAL TIGHT for R and wows, if that dogtor can come an do the surgery..pawsome!
    Sendin' lots of POTP and healin' vibes!!!! (and margaritas...can NEVER have enough margaritas....☺)
    Ruby ♥

  25. I do hope the expert comes to assist at Prince Arrr's surgery. After all, a Prince deserves only the best!

    Cheers and hugs,
    Jo, Stella, and Zkhat

  26. All of our best to R and hugs for you, KB♥

  27. I am sorry to hear about your pups elbow. I can see how you have concern.
    wow, to run into a mamma moose and youngster. So glad that worked out and fun to see the photo of them. Wishing you wonderful success with the surgery.

  28. The sky is amazing! We are sending POTP for R and for you...hope the surgeon comes in to assist.

  29. Good to hear that R can have the CUE surgery if that is what he needs. That moose does look like she's giving you the eye. Be careful out there!

  30. prayers for you to make the best decision for R and for his healing and a good surgery. the moose is gorgeous and i would be scared to. the sky and the photos were worth the walk

  31. I hope this special dogtor can help R and everything goes well... my paws are crossed for you and I wish you the best :o)

  32. That's great news about the surgery. We will keep a good thought about it. THat momma does not look to happy with you - steer clear!

  33. How pawsome that the dogtor would fly in and assist with the surgery. We hope all things fall into place with the decisions and all will go well for R.
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  34. We're keeping R in our thoughts! We know you'll choose the best option for him, whatever it is, and he'll get better fast with all the POTP going his way!!

  35. Great news! That would be wonderful if the one who knows it so well could be there for the actual surgery!! Hoping things move forward with a good treatment and result!!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  36. Come to bring Healing Pawkisses and Good Luck! <3 <3 <3

  37. We were thinking about you yesterday. We know you will do what is best. That picture with shayla is just beautiful, you do just a wonderful job.
    stella rose
    p.s we would have stopped breathing if we saw that momma


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