Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Colorful Nature

Many of you know how much I enjoy observing Mother Nature, including the sky, clouds, sunlight, and wildlife.

It's often very cold when Shyla and I start our morning snow bike ride - so cold that our breath turns to steam in the freezing air. This morning at sunrise, Shyla was breathing right into the sunrise rays, and her breath turned gold with a touch of the rainbow! I wasn't sure how to best capture it with my camera but I figured it out eventually.

I'm so thrilled to see Shyla looking and acting like her usual self again. I'm not seeing any of the apathetic behavior that seemed to bog her down last week. She loves sticking her whole head under the snow and then making me laugh when she pops up with her "snow dog" look!

Later that day, we saw a "sun dog", as we started our evening hike. A "sun dog" is a cloud with ice crystals in it that glows with the color of the rainbow when the sunlight hits it. I noticed it because a small flock of geese honked as they passed overhead, just below the sun dog. They were heading north - a hopeful sign for this mountain girl.

And then we saw gorgeous wind-blown clouds at sunset.

It is a beautiful world!


  1. You know, I think you were right last week about the strong, relentless wind putting a little too much pressure on Shyla's sense of comfort/confidence. No animal that relies on acute hearing can be fully at ease when there is constant ambient sound obscuring the things they need to hear. I have seen this in the goats and other animals, and relate to it personally - it's the reason I don't ever plan to live next to running water, as much as I love watching it!

  2. That is a cool picture of Shyla's breath. We have been watching the Geese. I think this year they are super confused!!

  3. Snow dogs and sun dogs and sunsets. All lovely indeed.

  4. I'm sure glad to hear Shyla is acting normal. Hey, we send lots of hugs to the Fabulous R!

  5. It is a beautiful world and we are lucky to have you document it for us

  6. Spectacular! And it always warms my heart to see Shyla so happy.

  7. The breath photo is pawsome. So glad she is back to a happy confident dog
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  8. I love the photo of Shyla's breath! That is so cool! Hopefully the geese is a sign of spring! :D

  9. Total amazing you caught the rainbow in Shylas breath!!
    And the sundog! We hope to see one someday too.
    Shyla is the happiest dog in the world! I think she is always giggling

  10. So much beauty!! The rim lighting on Shyla in the first picture is breathtaking!!

  11. It is a beautiful world and thank you for letting me see it through your eyes!

    Anne and Ziggy

  12. My mother loved unusual weather phenomena, like sun dogs. When she passed on, I was walking home from making her funeral arrangements, and I saw the sun with sun dogs on both sides and knew that all was well with her on that cold winter day!



  13. We are always learning something new here. The sun dog is just gorgeous! We love burying our heads in the snow too, Shyla!

  14. golden breath fog, that is amazingly beautiful.

  15. It is a beautiful world! We don't have the dramatic background you have, but just looking at the vivid colours in the changing light, makes you feel good.

  16. What a fun catch of Shyla's breath!!! Beautiful photos too.

  17. I love the breath photo! Looks like you still have plenty of snow there. It's been springlike in Summit, but I think we're supposed to get more winter in March.

  18. That is one beautiful place you live in
    Lily & Edward


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