Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, February 19, 2016

Friday Fun

It was still incredibly windy this morning so Shyla and I started out down low, playing some games that I hoped would help her relax. She loves the game where she balances a treat on her nose and then tries to flip it into her mouth.

On her first try, she used a technique that my camera never captures because she does it so fast. Somehow, the treat goes directly from her nose into her mouth with either no air time or only a tiny bit of air time. Here it is, in her mouth by the next frame. Look at her eyes - they always make me laugh because of their wild intensity about this game.

The next time didn't go quite as well. She flipped the treat directly over her head and lost track of it, never catching it.
I hope that you all have fun and restful weekends, finding reasons to laugh like Shyla and I did this morning!


  1. Shyla has skills!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  2. Awesome Shyla!! Her eyes are the best. So excited for the treat.

  3. We love watching Shyla's eyes - so focused:)

    Happy weekend to you too.

  4. I do love seeing Shyla and her tricks, successful or not. Always good for a smile and often a laugh.

  5. Amazing beautiful Shyla, ya done good girl!

  6. I hope sometime you can video Shyla playing her favorite treat game!!

  7. Shyla and her tricks always makes me smile! Look at those eyes!

  8. Those pictures are so cute! They definitely brightened my day and made me laugh! :D

  9. such concentration in those beautiful eyes!
    Mr Bailey Hazel & Mabel

  10. You are so entertaining and you're making us laugh, Shyla☺

  11. Shyla, it looks like it is raining cookies. We would like to live somewhere it did that!

  12. What a wonderful look on her face n that first shot!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  13. Oh Shyla you need to teach me somethings. Mom tried this but my face is to flat BOL
    Lily & Edward


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