Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Silhouette Sunday - Magenta Sky

With our wacky weather, the clouds and sky have been gorgeous. One evening, there was a vertical pink cloud that encompassed the half moon at its top.

The cloud's color was more mellow when I photographed Shyla in front of it but I thought it was still glorious.

With the wind blowing so hard, both dogs love sniffing the scents that are traveling toward us from far away. I love the graceful silhouette that sniffing the scents in the wind makes!

As we finished our evening hike, the view to the east looked tranquil even though the west wind was intense.
I'm really hoping for some clear sky for the full moonrise and moonset. It's been cloudy for the full moon every month since September. I love photographing the full moon as it rises and sets.

Happy Magenta Sunday!


  1. Really wild stuff, KB! And I love that first picture of Shyla with the elegant stroke of the light :)

  2. almost like howling at the moon. i recognize the look, Jake loves to stand with his nose in the air

  3. The colours hardly look real! Love the cotton candy sky!

  4. Beautiful skies and gorgeous silhouettes!!!

    Happy Sunday.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  5. That sky is so amazing, not to mention beautiful.

  6. Words fail me...these are simply stunning!

  7. What a lovely sunset...perfect for duo silhouettes!!

  8. wow that looks like someone opened a bottle with a genie... make a wish Shyla :o)

  9. Beautiful clouds. Setting suns and clouds are the perfect recipe for colors.

  10. Beautiful. I can't even imagine living in that world.


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