Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Springtime and Stars

Look at the ground around the LabraDuo with just a touch of snow near where they were standing. Then, remember that a foot of fresh snow fell last Monday night. As of last evening, large sunny areas were down to bare ground because our unseasonably warm weather has melted the snow so fast. Although I pine for springtime every year, this is too soon. It's been so warm that I find myself scanning the ground for spring flowers.
When the time is right, I'll rejoice at every sign of spring. However, this is too soon.

In the springtime, we restart our cycle of trips to beautiful places in the west. In the early months when the mountains are still snow-packed, we go to the desert. I am so excited to visit there again! And, because we have a comfy LabMobile to relax in, we'll be able to go while R is recovering from surgery. That will be a nice change of scenery for him!

As you all know, I love to watch the night sky during our camping trips. In the desert, we can see an unimaginable number of stars, all spinning around the north star.

Spring, along with our camping trips, will be here before we know it. In the meantime, I think that we need some more winter (and snow) so the fire danger isn't too intense next summer.

Happy Sunday!


  1. I always love your star photos! I'm highly anticipating spring, too! It's my favorite season!

  2. Such wonderful photos! We love the star photos too but we think Shyla and R are super stars!

  3. I was good to R out and about. I can't wait for Spring and I've enjoyed the unusually warm weather but I fear the bugs will be hell to deal with.

    Aroo to you,

  4. I know what you mean...it was warm enough to sit outside today with only one layer of fleece and one coat! (And a hat and neckwarmer, but still - pretty warm!) I expect we'll be seeing more bitter cold and snow before Spring arrives. I hope you get lots more snow, too!

  5. Monday afternoon, warm, cooler mornings, some welcome rain, after weeks of heat so hot, too hot to sew or quilt, today is welcome, Superb star trails. Enjoy that snow while it lasts, soon to be just a memory.

  6. It has been a warm winter here too, didn't know it was in the mountains too. I am sure Mother Nature has some more snow in store for you

  7. We had a beautiful day today, very spring like. You are right - it is too early
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  8. We need some more El Nino! We went to the beach today and it was 80F!! Nice, but, ummmm it's February!!

  9. We have hyacinths poking up through the mulch, and our grass never really totally lost its greenness. Been a crazy winter. Some Pups here sure would love some more snow too:)

  10. I love the photos of the duo. and of course the stars. Since Berts diagnosis I have had a strong desire for a road trip with time to spend watching the stars at night. These pics, just cinched it. ROAD TRIP

  11. I love your star shots. Looks so different than our view of the sky.

  12. The feeling of spring was in the air today here too. I agree, it is too early, and I get worried about that when I see turtles sunning themselves like I did today, because I'm reminded that we also get snowfalls in March. But "we" have to enjoy these days, and just hope Mother Nature stays on track!

  13. The night sky is so beautiful! Our winter has been warmer than normal too.

  14. your star photos are superstars that's for sure... how great that spring is on the way, I can't wait for warmer temperatures :o)

  15. I wish I could take photos of stars like you do while we are camping. They are fantastic!

  16. Since we left the warm desert, and I'm now freezing, I want all the warm weather i can get.

  17. Spring is coming! Our snow all melted!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  18. Wow,, wow,, wow!!
    Fantastic photos,,,, It seems we can never get enough of your skys,, whether stars,, or sunrise,, sunset,, or moons!
    And never enough of R and Shyla!
    We feel spring too

  19. The weather has been super crazy this year, right!!

  20. I would dearly love to hear more about your LabMobile - and maybe even see some photos. I really want to get a vehicle for the dogs and me to travel and camp in and need some fabulous ideas. Please!!!!!!!

  21. Paula - Check out this post for a photo of the LabMobile (http://romp-roll-rockies.blogspot.com/2013/08/the-monsoons-butterflies-and-stars.html).

    It's a Sportsmobile. It's a modified a 4wd high clearance Ford van. Ours is old so we got it inexpensively during a recession. Unfortunately, there are no great "deals" out there on them right now (that I know of).

    Feel free to email me for more info.


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