Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, February 5, 2016

The Duo's Bond

Shyla plays like a puppy in the snow with me.

And then she comes home and snuggles with her brother. Poor R isn't allowed to play in the snow due to his elbow.
They melt my heart.


  1. They are so cute together!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  2. I totally agree! They are true treasures!!

  3. So sweet!
    We love you R and Shyla!

  4. They are so cute snuggling together! That's so sweet! My two very rarely cuddle together.

  5. We think Shyla knows that this is exactly what R needs:) So sweet.

  6. I love the way the two have bonded. It will make such a great difference in R's recovery to have Shyla by his side.

  7. love the bond they share!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  8. They melt mine, too. I'm just sorry R can't play in the snow.

  9. They are so good for each other!

    Anne and Ziggy

  10. They melt our hearts too. They are so sweet together♥

  11. I bet she tells him efurrything about her snow-ventures, so R can enjoy snow much fun too :o) She is a fabulous sister... much better than mine who growled at me :O)

  12. They're so beautiful together. Poor R is missing the fun. For now, but next year he'll be back to romping!

  13. They are such a sweet duo and they always make our hearts smile too!

  14. the photo of them sleeping melts my hear tooooo

  15. Oh, you guys are just tooooooo adorables!!! Hey, do some snow zoomies for me too gurl!
    Ruby ♥

  16. Oh my goodness that last photo made mom sigh a long AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. If that doesn't say LOVE nothing does. Mom has been walking the neighbor's Border Collie on days her mom works long hours. My peeps had a mighty mini Dachshund 40 years ago since then cats. Mom says walking Kasi has reminded her about the unconditional love of a K9. Everyday Mom goes over there Kasi is so excited to see her. Yesterday Kasi actually sang a beautiful RooWooo song and play bowed at mom. Such a sweet pup. I'm not even jealous of K9 odors either. I told mom to get her K9 fix over there but not to bring one home I'm reigning diva here.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  17. I love how sweet they are together!!


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