Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, February 13, 2016

The Journey

Shyla is one of the smartest and most loving dogs I've ever known.
I can see her sensitivity in her eyes. She is always assessing whether new people and new dogs might hurt her. I wonder what led her to be this way? I didn't know her as a young puppy so I still wonder. Experts who have met her say that they don't think her extreme sensitivity is due to genetics but rather due to experiences before I knew her.

In any case, now she usually embraces life, taking flying leaps when the spirit moves her...

... and throwing her nose in the air and letting the wind blow her ears without being afraid.
There is no sight that brings me greater joy.


  1. Her eyes really do say so much ...what a special spirit!

  2. She has a sweet sweet spirit. I can see the love in her eyes and because of your gentle leading she is confident. Positive training works no matter what those "experts" say.

  3. You've done such an amazing job with Shyla. She's beautiful and I love seeing her playing in the forest. <3

  4. What a special girl! I love the photo of her 'flying!'

  5. And to think there are people who won't get another dog when their pet goes to the bridge. They miss out on so much.

  6. She is a special, gentle spirit, and you have done so much to help her blossom!

  7. Kudos to you for bringing sweet Shyla to the secure and happy emotional place she is now. You must feel so wonderful every time she shows more courage and confidence. Way to go KB! And way to go Shyla!

  8. We think Shyla is amazing too!

  9. She truly is a rare and beautiful gem, that shines because of your commitment and love for her.

  10. Such a special girl, and a special bond you share with her!

  11. You two do share a very special bond! Happy Valentine's Day to you and your family!

  12. You and Shyla are the bestest team ever, KB♥
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  13. She is a wonderful girl and I love her canine wisdom :o) Happy Valentines Day!

  14. the first photo makes me want to squeeze her face and kiss it. i love the way she is holding her mouth

  15. You're such a beautiful lady sweet Shyla!

  16. She's a wonderful girl fur sure!

    Keep Calm & Valentine On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. Shyla is amazing and beautiful! She gives me so much hope for Macy!

  18. You both are such an inspiration. Thank you!


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