Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Wordless Wednesday - Snow Joy

P.S. Deep snow is one of the worst things in the world for elbow dysplasia so poor R is sitting out this fun. We haven't managed to move his surgery any sooner than April 1 yet but our vet is still trying.


  1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

  2. That looks so fun for Shyla!! They can make everything fun!!

  3. My guys won't even try the deep snow. Poor Corgis, just not built for it, even if they do love it.

    Hope you can get an earlier date for R!

  4. Poor R!!! But it looks like Shyla is having at least enough fun for both of them:)

  5. The abominable snow-dog! Hope R's surgery can be moved up!

  6. Shyla,, I am so happy that your having such a good time in all of that fluffy white snow!
    I hope R's surgery gets to be sooner.

  7. I want more snow pictures with Shyla. What a girl she is. Keeping in mind that you are out there with her, very impressive you two.

    and hugs to R. This must be killing him, not being able to romp in the snow.

  8. Poor R missing out on all the snow fun. Makes me sad. Hang in there R next winter you'll be giving Shyla a run for her money.

    Aroo to you,

  9. Shyla is amazing! Hopefully next year R will be right out there with her!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & mabel

  10. Poor R....It looks like Shyla is having enough fun for the both of them...We sure hope the vet can get R in soon!!

  11. Next year, you'll be romping right along with Shyla in the beautiful deep snow, R!

  12. Pure joy! Sorry, R isn't able to join in the fun!

  13. Beautiful photos which look so inspiring, they help a little to soothe the sadness I'm feeling tonight. Thankyou.

    And sparing a thought for poor R who has to miss out on a romp in the snow :(

  14. Shyla is giving you some great photo ops! Poor R, we hope it can be moved up and just get it done and get healed!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley


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