Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, March 28, 2016

From Desert to Snow

We've had a huge change in scenery in the past 24 hours. We spent the previous 9 days in the desert, enjoying the sunshine while camping in the middle of nowhere.

The ground had no snow on it. The sun was warm. The world was incredibly quiet.

Yesterday, we had a long drive home. We vaguely knew that it had snowed near home. As we drove up the western side of the Divide, we thought it didn't look like a very big storm had occurred.

It wasn't until we got very close to home that we began to realize that the snow was deep! In fact, we realized that we wouldn't be able to make it down our driveway without plowing it first. The problem is that our driveway is long - so it would be a long walk through deep snow to even get to the house.

That's when the kind actions of wonderful mountain neighbors can make me smile even when my spine causing me agony after hours of sitting in the LabMobile. A generous friend had plowed our driveway! We still had lots of work to do but we were so grateful to be able to drive down to our house!

Shyla and I got outside onto the trails this morning to find that they had barely been touched by any snowshoers or skiers. Moving through the snow was tough work but Shyla didn't seem sad about it!

The snow is heavy and crusty so I encouraged her to stay in my snowshoe tracks. The running is easier there!
We enjoyed our sojourn in the desert immensely. For me, the break from our endless winter that runs into May is always welcome at this time of year. I will share stories and photos in the coming days.


  1. Look at Shyla's happy smile!! Can't wait for the desert photos!

  2. We bet you all had a great time in the desert. And how wonderful to have kind neighbors like that!!! Welcome home.

  3. Oh Shyla, we love your smile and your happy dance!

  4. Wow the snow is really deep it comes up to Shyla's belly.

    Aroo to you,

  5. I wondered if you were off in the desert! Glad you had your revitalization break :)
    I love the picture of "smiling" Shyla!

  6. Its very nice of your neighbor to help you!!!
    Were glad you had a good time away,,,And it looks to us that Shyla is loving that untouched snow!

  7. I'm glad you had a chance to get away, and bless your neighbors. :)

  8. How nice to have a getaway - away from the snow and cold
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  9. Looking forward to the desert pics!! Shyla looks so very happy in that last shot!

  10. Shyla looks so happy in all of these photos! I am looking forward to hearing about how the desert was!

  11. Nothing like wonderful, thoughtful neighbours!

  12. Look at that smile! You truly do love the snow, Shyla♥

  13. I love those photos, and that your neighbours plowed your driveway!

  14. a hug for your friendly neighbor :o) I'm not a fan of snow, but as I saw Shyla's big smile I think I will jump throiugh the snow too... a little bit... next winter :o)

  15. I hate snow it gets my feets all wet.....stella rose get me a towel right now!!! Wienie

  16. How fun you got to enjoy the desert. It's been cold, snowy, and rainy up here. I hope it was warmer where you went.

  17. Shyla looks happy!! I am ready for summer and hot days!!

  18. Shyla looks drunk with happiness! Me and Stanley get like that sometimes too!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  19. Thank goodness for people who care. We are by the ocean. If we drive 1hour we could be in snow. A nice change
    Lily & Edward


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