Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, March 10, 2016

One Step Back

I have time for only a short post today. Our plans for R's surgery went haywire again, and I've been on the phone seemingly continuously ever since, trying to make new plans.

Shyla is hoping that the plans get solidified very soon so I'm not so tense.

For perfectly understandable reasons, our east coast expert surgeon had to cancel his trip here. We have a back-up plan - a west-coast vet who is an "instructor" in the surgery that R needs. That vet seemed enthusiastic about traveling here when I talked with him about 3 weeks ago. I'm awaiting his reply to my latest call, asking that he head out here!

Shyla is begging him to come out and make her brother's elbow less painful.
Shyla's latest, and now favorite, trick - "sitting pretty"
While we wait, one other complication has popped up. R's liver enzymes didn't look great in a blood test. So, he will be having another blood test plus an abdominal ultrasound. We don't want R going into major surgery without us feeling certain that he's at full strength. My guess is that the anti-inflammatories are taking a toll on his liver. I hope that's all it is, although it would mean that he couldn't take Rimadyl anymore.

I never dreamed that a surgery that we first started planning back in February of 2015 (more than a year ago) would end up being so very difficult to get done. It's now spring of 2016 (as you can tell by the elk who are shedding) with no surgery scheduled.

We have our fingers and paws crossed that we will manage to get things scheduled and that R's liver is actually fine. We want him to run freely again before too long!
I have appreciated all the leads and information that you have sent me. They've all helped - believe me! I am more educated about this surgery than I ever wanted to be!


  1. Fingers and paws crossed here for you to find the surgeon soon and get R all better ASAP!!

  2. Wow, you have done so much to get this accomplished. Who knew it would be so hard. I hope the liver is OK, and surgery can get done sooner, rather than later.

  3. We so hope it all works out and quickly too. R, we're all purring for you here.

  4. Gosh I hope it all works out with R
    Lily & Edward

  5. That's so frustrating! Hope it all works out!

  6. We wish we could make that surgery happen. We CAN invoke that wonderful POTP for you and for R to be successful. We sure hope some good news comes along asap.

  7. Paws crossed that R has his op very soon! Love Shyla's new trick, she looks very cute!

  8. We are crossing our paws that he gets it soon and it goes really well!!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  9. We have our paws crossed that you find a solution soon.

  10. So hoping that the best possible outcome will come soon.

  11. Sending extra-strength rottie POTP to all concerned parties!! Sheesh!!


  12. Still hoping that things will work out. I can only imagine how difficult this is for all of you. Thinking of you and the runner, and the Duo. Positive thoughts from our mountains to yours.

  13. I'm sorry that you've had another set back. I'm sending lots of good vibes that this comes together quickly and easily so that R can be back out for adventures sooner rather than later! :-)

  14. Oh man...I gots my paws crossed that the vetties can work everythings out, and that R's liver enzymes can gets back to normal. Sendin' lots of healin' vibes and Shyla..LOVES the pose!!! Ma has been tryin' to gets me to do that since I was a wee lass...what can I say...I gots no butt balance!!! hehehehe
    Ruby ♥

  15. All pug paws crossed that things will all come together for R
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  16. Fingers crossed here. I'm sorry it's such an ordeal. :(

  17. Sorry to hear of all the trouble you've been going through for R. Hope something works out soon for all of you and that R heals quickly. I can't imagine that boy having to rest for too long. :)

    24 Paws crossed for you.

  18. Our fingers and paws are crossed that the perfect plan will be in place soon!

  19. Hari Om
    Continuing with POTP from over the pond... YAM xx

  20. All paws crossed. If you need to stop the Rimadyl, then Devil's Caw might be a short-term alternative.

  21. Wow, hard to believe it would be so difficult to schedule this! Try milk thistle for R's liver enzymes.

  22. Was thinking about R yesterday and hoping things were coming together...I'll continue hoping!

  23. Aw what a pain. :( Literally and metaphorically. At least pups don't understand "plans" or I'm sure all this anticipation would be unbearable! Keeping my fingers crossed everything falls into place soon.

  24. Oh dear, I hope things get sorted soon. :)


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